Anonymous ID: ea3fc1 April 12, 2020, 9:04 a.m. No.8769297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9305

Stacks of monopoly money they have, black robbed priest of El they have, who look down upon those who dare to stare back with distain and clarity of their own will, with evil and hatred in their eyes they look back, data and information they have on everyone’s estates, licenses, stamps, tags, chips, papers, land records, birth records, criminal records all about every part of you and everything you think you own, they have eyes everywhere looking listening, in your house, in the subway, in the bank, in the hospital, in your own fucking pocket… and what do you do? Nothing. When was the last time you said NO and meant it? When was the last time you looked into exactly WHAT this system is, where it came from and how it came into being in a free republic where all men had the same level of weapons as the king who meant to keep all of us slaves? ALL OF IT! When was the last time anyone told a filthy land pirate to fuck off and mean it?

Anonymous ID: ea3fc1 April 12, 2020, 9:05 a.m. No.8769305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have stopped all of their bull shit before with just one well written piece of paper telling them where the line in the sand is, as have others on this server. But if you have no will there is no line and all is then lost for you. When you look into the mirror who looks back at you? A sacred man ready to defend his kith and kin to the death, or a sacred woman who will defend the wellbeing of her children to the death AND stand up for the men that defend both? Now that everyone is two inches from a total lockdown over a little flu bug take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself who you truly are. Are you a sovereign or a slave, are you knowledgeable about the law, YOUR common law of YOUR people, or are you an ignorant slave that keeps paying taxes and using fake money to pay fake debt given to you by the filthy Khazarian mob? Everyone needs to choose a side. The days of agnostic freedom loving Americans is over.


“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we to not dare that things are difficult.” ~ Seneca.


Intro to my grand jury manual:

It was my noble goal in writing this handbook, describing the use and powers of the Grand Juries of America, to give an oppressed and desperate people a way in which they can organize and empower themselves to take back their lives, their power, their law, their estates, and their realm from the British crown, the B.A.R., the international banking cartel, and the cult of Rome.

The B.A.R. associations are foreign to us and every member of these associations are foreign agents which should be forced to register as such per the Foreign Agent Registration Act. B.A.R. stands for British Accreditation Registry. The attorneys of these associations are, always have been, and always will be your mortal enemy. They have stolen your children, without your knowledge, by unlawful pledges and a fraudulent registry system; they have stolen your land by fraud and lies; and they have stolen your inheritance, by presumption of death, presumption of infancy, presumption of wardship, and by interpleading ability under the Westminster statutes. They have destroyed your limited government and replaced it with a despotic and destructive corporation, by the bankruptcy of our original republic; from unlawful wars created by their agents to pit one state against another; by the passing of unlawful acts by their foreign agents. They tell you when life begins by attorney work product doctrine; they tell you when you can have your loved one’s medical records by privacy acts and codes; they insure their potential loss of you, the human resource, by purchasing life insurance on you without your knowledge, by presumption that you work for their dummy corporation.

They perfect this plan by the lies of social insurance, which is for their security not yours; they account, measure, manage, and determine the worth, the value, and the time expectancy of your very life and the lives of your children so they can be more properly traded on the stock market as chattel. They tell you what you can put in your body, when, how much, at what age, and at what location. Their only religion is moral relativism, their only duty is to themselves, for they exist only to attorn from you everything and to give it to themselves and their inbred, psychopathic, insane, morally depraved, ruling blood lines. To them a lie is a prayer, the death of a child a sacrifice, and a theft a good day at the office. Their only goal is all, their only restriction none, and their only means any. They hide in the shadows whilst others die in a flash from wars from which they profit. None can be converted, none can be trusted, none can be given sanctuary. All must be indicted, all must be convicted, and all must account for their crimes. This is not a “quiet war”, it is an open slaughter. It is not hearts and minds they seek but gold and slaves. Stand up and fight, or lie down and die. You must choose your side. Unite one and all to act, for if you fail to end their methods, they will ravage your families, steal your lands, infiltrate your governments, and scorch the entire earth. Dozens of nations over thousands of years have they taken all unto themselves, until one said no.