Anonymous ID: 970772 April 12, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.8770071   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Reposting from pb lagging end crust


From Wikileaks:

  1. (S) Begin talking points for France:




– We appreciated the case study on transfers of

AG-controlled equipment from China and Pakistan and vaccine

collaboration between Russia and Syria.


– The U.S. believes participants would benefit from hearing

about your experiences assisting China in setting up a

Biosafety Level-4 (BSL-4) laboratory at the '''Wuhan Institute

of Virology''' from the export control and intangible technology

transfer perspectives. We are particularly interested to


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know how China plans to vet incoming foreign researchers from

countries of biological weapons proliferation concern.


– Information Exchange participants could benefit from a

presentation on how you vet visa applicants to prevent

intangible technology transfer to countries of chemical and

biological weapons proliferation concerns.


– The U.S. also believes Information Exchange participants

could benefit from hearing about your experiences dealing

with AG-controlled exports over the last year.


End talking points for France.