Anonymous ID: a20352 April 12, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.8770173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0233


Fauci is intentionally lying

==Why I think a virologist would Never believe the virus’s limited in its effect. And why Fauci said they were told the virus was transmitted from animal to human, but not human to human. He’s using a stupid and unscientific excuse=


First off how likely is it, that all people in Wuhan got the virus from animals? That means all of them would have to interact with the same or eat the same animals. That’s doubtful considering that humans don’t eat the same food, nor could all of the province could have been exposed to wet markets, but even more the entire province was shutvdown, not only in the area of the markets.


Fauci’s answer is cya, and any rational scientist would leap to a conclusion out of caution to consider that it was human to human. See examples below. I can’t find the evidence that only humans in contact with animals contracted a virus and were not able to spread it. Lazy thinking, or totally in on the plot for another fucking vaccine. His statement is completely stupid for another reason, why would you take the word of China???? Really why??? Knowing they produce bioweapons. Every time he talks he digs himself in further. They think we’re all stupid


The new strain of coronavirus that has killed hundreds of people in China and caused a travel lockdown of some 56 million people has been classified as a "zoonosis" because of the way it spreads from animals to humans.


Science writer David Quammen says the virus, which the World Health Organization last week declared a global health emergency,


is just the latest example of how pathogens that start in animals are migrating to humans with increasing frequency — and with deadly consequences


"When there's an animal host, then it becomes much, much more difficult to eradicate or even control an infectious virus," Quammen says. "This novel coronavirus — whether or not it turns out to be a huge catastrophe, or something we can control — one thing we know is that it won't be the last."



Animal to human flu virus transmission


in The influenza virus


How are influenza viruses transmited from animals to humans?

Many different animals, including birds such as ducks, geese, gulls and domestic poultry, and mammals such as pigs, whales, horses, dogs and seals, can be infected with influenza viruses. Remarkably, however, certain subtypes of influenza are solely or predominantly found in certain animal species. Birds, of course, are hosts to all known subtypes of influenza A virus, but also in birds a preference of certain influenza viruses for certain species does exist.


Occasionally, an influenza A virus normally seen in one species crosses the species barrier and causes illness in another species. In humans, this may for instance happen after close contact with birds infected with avian influenza viruses. Notoriously, sporadic infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses transmitted from birds to humans in Asia and in Europe have caused at least hundreds of serious infections reported in the past few years, the majority of which were associated with a fatal outcome. Significant human to human transmission of this virus was not observed. Obviously, the main concern is that this could happen and a pandemic outbreak of influenza would thus emerge. It cannot be predicted whether an HPAI-H5N1 virus will indeed be at the basis of a future pandemic. Other influenza A virus subtypes such as the H1, H2, H7, and H9 subtypes are also likely candidates. They may spill over directly from birds, but also from other mammals previously infected by birds, such as pigs, horses, dogs or cats. The adaptation to transmission among humans or other mammals may either happen by acquiring sequential mutations, or by a re-assortment event.


But we're a long way from winning the fight against viruses. In recent decades, several viruses have jumped from animals to humans and triggered sizable outbreaks, claiming thousands of lives. The viral strain that drove the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa kills up to 90% of the people it infects, making it the most lethal member of the Ebola family.


But there are other viruses out there that are equally deadly, and some that are even deadlier. Some viruses, including the novel coronavirus currently driving outbreaksaround the globe, have lower fatality rates, but still pose a serious threat to public health as we don't yet have the means to combat them.

Anonymous ID: a20352 April 12, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.8770387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Eyes on anon, prior bread discussion on House’s procession walking article to the senate the same day the Virus was announced


Posting to dig and see, if anything there


>>8768554 Papers walked over same day 1st virus patient out of Wuhan landed in US.

Regarding the House walking over the papers, it seemed to me they were imitating a funeral procession, of course they said this is a somber occasion, they were definitely acting out their morbid play, sick puppies.

Watch the procession again, I bet we’ll find some other info.

What if they had any contamination of the papers? Out there? I know but not entirely out of the realm of possibility, if the go was given by Pelosi why wouldn’t she want to get rid of some of the senators. Remember after a couple of senators went into quarantines, maybe after the 14 day incubation period?







Anonymous ID: a20352 April 12, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.8770414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8769253 NCNG Soldiers from the Cyber Security Response Force deployed to the small town of Shelby


Is anyone asking why a small town of 20,000 got so viciously cyber attacked? What’s there as far as industry? What’s nearby, and who are the leaders there? This seems like a dramatic attack for a small town, that may have very little data to steal. Thoughts

Anonymous ID: a20352 April 12, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8770736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0750 >>0788


Agreed anon, Fauci is so full of shit, every scientist listening to him must be say, WTF, he must really think all Americans are dumb as rocks. There’s so many things wrong with his statements. They’ve studied animal to human viruses for generations, I can’t find one study where a virus was transmitted to only one person and stopped there. It’s stupid on so many levels. He wants his name in the patent for the new vaccine, while Gates wants indemnity for deaths