Anonymous ID: 6068eb April 15, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.8804515   🗄️.is 🔗kun


more bullshit rabbit holes

no one can tell you why

Jeff Flake can't tell you why

Paul Ryan can't tell you why

Q can't tell you why

their is no way of knowing

they are politicians, everything they do and say is scripted for a particular outcome

their is no truth just disinformation disguised as information, for the sheep

think clearly and know that without a tremendous struggle and many lives lost could the inevitable be delayed, never stopped, for patriots want to return to their family and their possessions for they earned them.

your very human nature doom you to destruction for fine lines of beliefs will separate those who are so otherwise of similar callings

Anonymous ID: 6068eb April 15, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.8804665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q will have who Q can control / blackmail/ script

Q does not care how you vote

your vote is worthless if it's not for someone Q can control

If the cabal can't script the movie you will not be an actor in it.

Q promised 2018 would be safe

when it wasn't Q said they got what they wanted and needed for the movie

eat some GMO, inhale some chemtrails, get fat and obese, the best you can hope for is to die of the virus, hope is a real killer these days, and you will end up a hater of yourself for being duped by Q, and your hope will be lost forever.

Anonymous ID: 6068eb April 15, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.8804869   🗄️.is 🔗kun


he has been erasing the proof and evidence of crimes and cleaning up the judges and the administration of anyone not one the insurance plan to keep the Bush/NWO/OWO/globalist cabal in power and control

Barr was Poppies insurance just before the no name and poppy hero funerals and burials

Barr is a traitor working for the spoils of his NWO overlords

Anonymous ID: 6068eb April 15, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.8804967   🗄️.is 🔗kun


all one has to do is look at the thin blue line to understand that nothing is going to change except for the worse, all for the promise of better peace and security.

Americans have become the problem, you couldn't find 3% to stand let alone .03%

Americans bow to authority for want of keeping what they have, they will risk nothing.

Look at the obesity, Americans hate themselves so much, they are slowly killing themselves.

Family's turn on each other, kick their own out, call it tough love, when what they really mean is don't judge me and I aint paying for you and you think strangers are going to come to a consensus of right and wrong?

Not until your stripped of everything will you muster the will to fight, and then it will be to late.

Your just the new Jews walking in straight lines to your oven baking party while outnumbering your keepers and asking them to sneak you some bread because they care for you so much.

Q has you sidelined because if you came out in numbers your government will kill you in the streets and Q will have failed his mission, convincing good men to do nothing more then dig meme pray.

Grey State here we come, put up a fight worm food or food for the cannibals take your pick