Anonymous ID: 6561e9 April 15, 2020, 1:57 p.m. No.8804569   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4685

Hold the fuck up. I have some Questions regarding these drops.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: f240d5 No.1952583 πŸ“

Jun 28 2018 23:18:21 (EST)


Anonymous ID: 00a106 No.1952489 πŸ“

Jun 28 2018 23:13:12 (EST)






with a mention of



Bullshit meter off the charts with this one



We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

What are they waiting for?

They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?

We may have to β€˜force’ this one.



All the journos, pundits, WH correspondents, etc. with WH access, here, HAVE SEEN THIS. They've KNOWN about this for nearly 2 years. Q said they could "end this at any time".


All the pain and suffering that the press is complicit in covering up.

All the coordination with black ops, psyops, and Mockingbird; complicit.

All the covering for the enemy, the lies, and what this leads to for EVERYDAY PEOPLE; MSM is complicit.


Daily briefings under Sean.

Daily briefings under Sarah.

Daily briefings for coronavirus – DIRECTLY WITH THE PRESIDENT.



OK, so now that we all sufficiently hate the MSM, for being a bunch of pussies, look at this:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 110248 No.8736051 πŸ“

Apr 9 2020 14:21:27 (EST)πŸ“

Do people really believe the biggest scandal in modern US history will go unpunished [Scot-Free]?

Backchannels are important.

Patriots stand at the ready [shills whine].



Think for a second. If that's the case, does it mean this really could all be public knowledge, and circumvent the need for backchannels? I'm not saying this place would go away, but the need for cryptic drops would essentially come to an end.


Seems contradictory, doesn't it? Or is it? Not shilling, but I'm really really curious, here. If someone from the MSM were to ask the question, today, does it mean that regardless of an official endorsement from POTUS, The Plan will proceed?


Is it Q's intent to keep anons wrestling with people that still don't buy into Q? At what point does the team lean in on someone to 'force' it? But think about what could have been already:

There's The Plan.

Anons trust it (this anon does, at least).

Then, "backchannels important".

But the MSM "could end this at any time".

But the folks that weren't listening before, still aren't listening; anons are reaching critical mass on discipleship, here.


If Q were to get a reporter to ASK THE Q during the next 1 or 2 daily pressers, there would, indeed, be a GREAT AWAKENING. People go nuts, ask their nearest "conspiracy theorist", and over the next week, or so, people get caught up and learn to see these liars lying to everyone at each presser. Instead? We're still backchanneling and shadow boxing with MSM.


Are there any other anons, out there, picking up what I'm putting down? Hello?