Anonymous ID: a47743 April 15, 2020, 2:27 p.m. No.8804873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4922


You're not the only one, Anon.

Ppl who have very low income and/or don't work have already received their happy Trump Fun Bux (tm).

We are supporting someone we can not claim on our taxes, and they got their happy Trump Fun Bux (tm).

We are supporting a college student away from home, with rent, utilities, car payment etc. We claimed this college student as a dependent, but will not get any happy Trump Fun Bux (tm) and this student will not get any bc they were identified as a dependent on our tax return.

This whole thing is bullshit.

The middle class gets screwed again.

White guys supporting an extended clan during these difficult times get screwed.

Pop out lots of kids with lots of baby daddies and get lots of happy Trump Fun Bux (tm) in addition to SNAP, WIC, Sec 8 etc etc etc.

I've had enough.

Anonymous ID: a47743 April 15, 2020, 2:30 p.m. No.8804910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8802265 - previous bred

We've been lied to for decades.

Cheap, effective cures exist - but there's no money in it for big Pharma.

Big Pharma is traditionally one of the biggest lobbying powerhouses in DC, spreading all kinds of cash around.


Read the whole story. Studies were done, but abandoned bc there was no giant pot of money to be skimmed. It's not about helping people, curing people, improving quality of life.




It's disgusting.

"My cancer story rocks"

There are lots of chat groups, FB groups etc sharing success stories of fenbendazole.

Read, research and make up your own mind.

Anonymous ID: a47743 April 15, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.8805000   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The banks are all getting their money at zero interest, yet we're putting expenses on credit cards to make it through the month, at 12 - 18% interest.

Mortgage forbearance just rolls it all to the end of the loan. It doesn't forgive interest.

Again, moar bullshit.

Where is the "zero interest" money for the middle class?

The people who were the backbone of this economy, and made America what it was, before the Globalists succeeded in their plans to hollow out the middle class as part of the plan to destroy America.

I'd rather have zero interest money and not get ass raped every month with bank usury than a $1200 happy Trump Fun Bux (tm) one time payment.

THAT would be alot more impactful.

Again, I ask - where is the "bailout" for the middle class, for people who actually work and are trying to build a future for themselves, and their family?




Don't fall for the bullshit.

We are still getting screwed, they just want to distract us and buy themselves more time.

Anonymous ID: a47743 April 15, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.8805051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep. We were harassed continually by the Hussein Regime because we stood up to them and call out some of the obvious lies and bullshit.

We started getting audited and harassed by the IRS, California where my spouse anon was stationed on active duty orders, and Virginia where we owned our home, all simultaneously.

We were told if you are owed a refund, you aren't obligated to file a return. You are only obligated if you owe them money.

Fuckers at the IRS filed a "return on our behalf" not allowing any deductions, generating an amount owing to the IRS of $12,000 to force us to file returns.

The IRS is evil, and a weapon of the deep state to bludgeon normies.

Income taxes are simply a method of crowd control. There are other more appropriate ways to finance "necessary" services.

It's long overdue to end income taxes AND the IRS collection/information arm for normies.

Let the IRS collect corporate taxes and tariffs.

Get their hands out of the pockets and lives of the normies.

Enough is enough.