Anonymous ID: d89dd4 April 15, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.8804719   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4766 >>4862



Truth and momentum…


A little reality check:




December 14. WHO tells world

China Virus is NOT contagious.


Dec. - Feb. Schiff's Senate

Security Council looks into

Trump Impeachment and

NOT Virus scare in China.


Jan 21 - Dr. Fauci: “…this is NOT a major threat for the people of the United States. And this is NOT something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”


Jan 21 - First American

diagnosed with Virus in

Washington State.


Jan 29 - Trump forms

Virus Task Force.


Jan. 31 - Trump Bans

Travel from China

President Donald Trump has taken tough steps to protect Americans from the spread of the coronavirus rampaging through China.

In an order issued Friday, federal officials announced that as of 5 p.m. Sunday, “Foreign nationals other than immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have traveled in China in the last 14 days will be denied entry into United States.”


Feb 5 - Chuck Schumer:


“The premature travel ban to and from China by the current administration is just an excuse to further his ongoing war against immigrants. There must be a check and Balance on these restrictions.”


Feb 6 - Trump is Acquitted.

Biden Calls Trump Xenophobic for China Travel Ban


Feb 7 - Pelosi calls Trump

a Racist. Tells people to come

visit Chinatown.


Feb 19 - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) encouraged the city’s residents and visitors to support Asian American businesses, declaring one of the city’s major Chinese neighborhoods “open for business” to counter racist fear-mongering.


March 30. Pelosi says Trump fiddled with the Virus and people are dying.


March 31 - Adam Schiff

promises Trump Virus

Impeachment Investigations.

Anonymous ID: d89dd4 April 15, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.8804861   🗄️.is đź”—kun




“In fact, it's easy enough to show, and it's impossible to refute, that a dollar is a specific silver coin containing three hundred seventy-one and a quarter grains of fine silver. It's always been that way, at least since the beginning of the American Republic. The Constitution fixes the monetary unit of the United States as this dollar, and it empowers Congress to coin silver and gold coins, the values of which have to be regulated in relation to the dollar. And it very specifically prohibits the government from issuing what the Founding Fathers called "bills of credit" – what we would call today paper currency that's redeemable in silver or gold. And the Constitution also outlaws any form of legal tender except silver and gold coins. Thus, from the perspective of the Constitution and most of American history, it is really senseless to talk about making the dollar redeemable, or to talk about adopting a silver- or a gold-backed dollar. The very fact that so much debate on the Federal Reserve system focuses on this really senseless point demonstrates how totally ignorant most of the people are about the subject of American money.”

~ Edwin Vieira Jr.