Anonymous ID: dbc4dc April 16, 2020, 10:04 a.m. No.8813304   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Future proves past [events unlock].

Think CEO departures.

Think FBI departures.

Think DOJ departures.

Think State departures.

Think WH departures.

Think DIA departures.

Think Pentagon departures.

Think Senate departures.

Think House departures.

Think Amb departures.

Think IG departures.

Think Judge install.

Think SC install.

Think WH install.

Think FBI install.

Think C_A install.

Think DOJ install.

Think US ATT install.



I'm sorry but I don't see anyone in the film industry being touched yet. Do you have any idea HOW corrupt the film industry is?? I mean we're talking hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of producers, directors, writers, editors, audio techs, composers, show runners, media heads, camera crews, set builders, wardrobe designers, makeup artists, cinematographers, actors, etc. ALL IN THE KNOW about MK ULTRA & the corruption of what has been going on behind the scenes making millions off of corrupting our minds & emotions with negative programming & doing it knowing they can never be touched meanwhile touching every MK ULTRA SLAVE & WOMAN that comes on set!! These sick fucks need to be wiped off the Earth & Q hasn't even started to shine a spotlight on them yet.