Anonymous ID: 489601 April 16, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.8815479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sorry for shitting up the bread frens. But Swefag is having a terrible day.

I've been depressed for years, but always managed to find something to get me through the day.

Last saviour was Q, two days in, who led me to you faggots. The best faggots in the universe, my only frens.


Today I lost my job on top of everything, I'm a mess.


I don't like asking for stuff from other people, but I beg of you, pray for me. I'm not sure how this one pans out. But I will pray for Q, POTUS and all of you guys, to my last breath. Keep on fighting.


Once again, I'm sorry I'm shitting up the bread, but you guys are my world.


May God watch upon you.


