Anonymous ID: 8c2f12 April 16, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.8815161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5166 >>5172 >>5360 >>5453



April 19th, 1775, shot heard around the world, long before 15:40

Dd we assume today 4-16-2020?


Will it be a little firecracker or the BIG BANG… this time


Think it'll depend on where and how you stand.


'by the book' sounds like small start, full prosecution strategy… it will simply take time to chew up the old chain of command


Dense blue populations will likely not hear a thing over relentless channel surfing looking for something new, to take mind off this same old, same old. I find little red pill reacting to news of the day, especially what others bring up, that is most effective. Its like taking vitamins, particularly for immune system, little doses, yes, drip, drip, drip, day after day. It is time to reverse leak, send them up, bottom to top. Skip no layer… let it soak… up. Yes, of course we are on the bottom as they see it. Defy gravity, of the situation, LEAK UP, little drops, likely that is all we'll get. DEADicated blue heads will only find the START mildly amusing for a few moments, but, drip, drip, drip, gets the job done, we got time, they got time.


Most folk hate reversals, like employed to unemployed. Moving from lie to truth can even be more traumatic crushing a whole lifetime: drip, drip, drip, leak, leak, leak…. or is it spit, spit, spit to get it up to them?


'by the book' prescribes plenty of time… if that lesson is not already well in hand and mind


the good thing… in face of nasty pandemic, especially with cause and avenue the Virus took being carefully questioned and scrutinized, it all hits their daily lives, folks are simply in a different place these days as Q suggests. Going back to Russia Hoax  may sound like a sidetrack to the SLEEPY heads. It is only mildly amusing but then that is what they are searching for, click, click, click. Give them a little something interesting, maybe a little gore, 'Was that a rolling head?' "I wonder if we'll see another one go flying?' 


Yes, take note in these exact days when pandemic panic wanes, too many hunkered down in too much fear, with Michigan lancing Lansing with proud American flags, these are precisely the days for a little bang, soon to be heard around the world, by the few who are paying attention, spread to the rest.


We might ask, 'Well, how small will it be?"

It'll be so small Q had to give us starting time so we do not miss it. But starting pistol, is only start of exciting drama soon to race across every face. At the gate, what GATE, are those horses, turtles or, or…. or


run rats run