Anonymous ID: a7c378 April 18, 2020, 5:55 p.m. No.8844884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4925



a clown post was baked.

a post from known clown A, a clown that shows up every other bread namefagging, hoping to be able to establish 'known and trustworty' anon to shill with later.

lb baker, who is a total clown and made 42 posts - only one baker does that: Anjel Guiterrez Salcidos - refused to remove this most obvious clown post from namefag.


and now [you] clowns are much butthurt about me pointing to that.

Anonymous ID: a7c378 April 18, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.8844925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4954 >>5110


>lb baker, who is a total clown and made 42 posts - only one baker does that: Anjel Guiterrez Salcidos - refused to remove this most obvious clown post from namefag.


Anjel is as much clown as it gets.

he has two YT disinfo channels.

he shills here and bakes.

he posts satanist scum bs.

it says a lot on BO that Anjel is allowed to bake.


Baker checks again!

Baker checks again!

Baker checks again!

Anonymous ID: a7c378 April 18, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.8845027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5049 >>5060 >>5108


nope, Anjel never namefags.

but Anjel bakes most breads during most nights (so not that hard to tell) and Anjel is the only baker that does 20+, 30+, 40+ posts. not one other baker does that bc all bakers (including other clown bakers) know that bakers should check info and sauce and just don´t have time to do that many shitposts. and of course all other bakers understand that trying to help clowns filling the bread, so anons checking in on notables have a harder time, is a bad thing.

Anjel ist even to stupid to understand that.


bake at night, triple the posts of every other baker → Anjel Guiterrez Salcidos, the satanist scum baker on duty.


and even Anjel could break free form that evil and join God.

Anonymous ID: a7c378 April 18, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.8845103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


prolly a new bread on Anjel is needed.

I wonder if /CM/ will again make this the only bread that does not get pushed to the top of the catalogue when a new posts is made…showed the butthurt quite much.


I think Anjel might need a little more pressure, so will bake a new bread tomorrow night if there is a again him baking with 20+, 30+ posts while leaving out info and pushing clown posts.

If Anjel keeps shilling, his name will go mainstream along with the Q movement.

Anonymous ID: a7c378 April 18, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.8845143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5151 >>5160 >>5373 >>5393 >>5438


there is only one baker that does 30+ posts. just one.

and that baker is Anjel Guiterrez Salcidos, the clown that has two YT disinfo channels and shills "muh jew", "dracos", "JFK jr" and, bc Anjel is as stupid as it gets also shills "POTUS is friends with Epstein".


Anjel baked a bread while livestreaming it. Anons did not like that at all and kicked him out of the kitchen (BV helped….that was at a time before clown BO got rid of all the BVs).

Anjel cried on livestream (he literally did) and promised to be back.

One day after this, BO decided to no longer check bakers…


And now, Anjel Guiterrez Salcidos, the clown that posts baphomet crap, is baking almost every night.

While BO does not care.

While Jim and Ron ignore.