Anonymous ID: d95334 April 18, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.8845087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5359



Re: the $6 billion spent on AIDs (for which there is now a relatively cheap therapeutic that should be made freely available to the developing world and that is NOT going to cost American taxpayers $6 billion to administer).


Then Trump looks over at Fauci and says,


"We're doing research on certain people who take a lot of credit for what they do. NIH is giving away a lot of money…and some people complain and some people don't, some people are extremely happy. So we're looking into that also…they're giving away approximately more than $32 billion a year, so we've been looking at that for a while and will have some statements about that…We want to make sure it's being spent wisely."