Anonymous ID: fd5790 April 18, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.8844758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8842001 Q just reference Morrowind?

ty anon for the reminder.

that game was well ahead of its time, one of the best ever relative to its release date.

good pull on the twin lamps

multiple meanings always can exist

A few of the Q team are gamers no doubt


alot of references in morrowind re. ancient cabal and stuff

were the ashkenazi the tribe that needed to be sought out?

tech was out of this world for then, def though of matrix and how we truly could be in a AI matrix which when we die, boom we are back out of the game.

Anonymous ID: fd5790 April 18, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.8844785   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[The Patriot]

Screen icon Steven Seagal stars as a respected doctor who must race against time to find a cure for a lethal virus unleashed by a paramilitary militia leader.

free link/youtube

Anonymous ID: fd5790 April 18, 2020, 6 p.m. No.8844934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5202


hopefully we will have support and Potus another 4 to rebuild our base of manufacturing

we just cannot compete not as much from a labor (we do not want to work cheap) standpoint but because regulations and laws inserted by Cabal to paid politicans and a controlled msm which literally could easily push 99% with no resistance. Everything from land and zoning, to insurance to osha, etc, etc.

As we commit to rebuild we can build state of the art facilities and produce domestically everything we buy from china, for really not too much more and better quality. It just takes the right leader and the legal protections so capital can be raised, there will be really no unemployment then and good wages.

Fight for 15 yes, but let supply and demand take care of that. we cut out the middle men and paying of non productive assets and allow employees to benefit from the savings while the invesdtors do as well as before with a more motivated workforce. It becomes a streamroller effect, everyone making good wages=more spending=more growth=higher employment=higher wages.

all using labor as the most valuable commodity/currency not the toilet paper cv shorted us on call the fed res note.

Anonymous ID: fd5790 April 18, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.8845023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


china are you wondering how bad they really are?

sort of a conflict with resolving where they stand?

potus doing well often praising xi and then we learn they may have bio attacked us?

if so i think god is telling you that yes china is a true threat so you can resolve your questions with a understanding going forward because it may be important for you to take a position on china because your indecision and uncertainty if left undermined may somehow hurt someone. By you understanding the threat from china very is real that leads to resolution that god knows will be better for not just you but others around you somehow.

Yes there are good people in china and beautiful, historic things, and you give humanity the benefit, but don't be confused with the position you haver to take, the people can only be freed with a removal of their leaders. we cannot help the people right now and cannot be concerned with their leaders shielding themselves with sympathy for the people. (pelosi chinatown).

Anonymous ID: fd5790 April 18, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.8845097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> something felt wrong, no soul.

china is a corporate entity what we know of china is not what a nation is, it is a communist group who created a trade corp. and is a middle man building the largest industrial nation in history with a enslaved and captive population.

They actually even have two currencies, one for the public use and one for trading between the central bank and govt and for foreign trade settlements.

Anonymous ID: fd5790 April 18, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.8845140   🗄️.is 🔗kun


fucn a

potus can pull a vaccine projection

are vaccine makers liable i think not

make hcq under the same standards

pisses me off but further exposes their taint, alot of people know about hcq and there will be a point where potus has enough evidence and backing that he can destroy those organizing to hold it back.

that truly is a gross human rights abuse covered under his EO.

by them even resisting this long they have led to many deaths, we do have to prove they knowingly are doing it and some certainly know it works.

they are also claiming deaths from hcq a heart attack, etc.

Anonymous ID: fd5790 April 18, 2020, 6:23 p.m. No.8845176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yes and wait until the public understands they are withholding a known cure too.

candace gets her voice heard, i give her alot of credit, she used to be a liberal.

ready to tune in to listen to dave