Anonymous ID: 266e67 April 18, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.8847183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Heres is my best plan to ensure Patriots and America are granted the benefits of living in Freedom, with Liberty and directly sharing in the Wealth of our Beautiful Country. No longer should we allow a small organized group to devalue our labor while enriching themselves and using that wealth they created from us to gain more power to destroy our family values and love for Our Country.


One strategy I would love to see is right up DJTs alley. Real Estate.

Dem cities are great for them to cram people in and charge absurd rents and leases, serving a handful at the expense of the masses.

Further densely populated areas are bad in terms of crime and as we see now CV19. We hear alot about culture and things but quality of life in cities is poor, an exchange of nature and free space for brick and mortar, sunlight for shadows.


My overview of economic and quality of life suggestions for:

1) jobs 2) quality of life: housing/transportation and 3) infrastructure


Rural Infrastructure Development Plan

Potus can gain support as Roosevelt did with the TVA, however RDP will be focused on economic principals of the People and will allow a person's labor to be a appreciable commodity, as opposed to our economic system whereby financial groups capital appreciates as labor value and peoples worth depreciates.


1- Jobs: We develop a plan of full manufacturing within the US, we make everything that we currently import, at least a certain % goal based upon independent factors for each industry product, we protect noone's overseas industry in establishing our goals. We base our goals/buid out on national security and manufacturing independence of critical supply chain and consumer durable items, as well as key sectors that give us a trade surplus overall.

We maintain a positive trade balance whereby we become a net exporting country, this gives us the ability to better justify our investment because we will have the ability to sell a net surplus of what we produce. Also and most importantly this gives any currency we have or go to in the future, tremendous strength, as we will import more currency than we export, as we move to alternative blockchain or specia based money this is crucial.

The jobs plan ensures that unemployment is low and will grant the labor of the people strength to appreciate, as Potus says wages go up and people can pick their jobs, that is what quality of life is about. The greatest economic expansions and those most readily seen are a bottom up approach. As people make more money local economies benefit first and regional and national economies as a direct result.

(Continued with Pt.2)

Anonymous ID: 266e67 April 18, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.8847192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7196

Pt 2

2- Housing/Transportation and Quality of Life: Housing costs increase because the land value increses, construction costs rise relative to inflation and at a much lower rate. Zoning laws and restricting land use is the factor involved in people not being able to afford a house, or affordable rents. Again we are not paying high prices for the construction costs of the house, we are paying it in land values. Another example how a persons labor became devalued relative to commerce. In virtually every area of the country house values are double or more the cost of construction, so we pay as much for the land as the house, yet land is plentiful and everywhere vacant (outside of metro areas), zoning restricts the land uses, and with mass rezoning the cost savings from not paying high land prices can finance utility infrastructure costs needed to develop new towns and cities. Covid19 has decimated cities due to density of population and can be cited for justifying developing lower density living in america.

So we have land rezoned, federal land opened up free for creating new cities. We mitigate any market losses to land owners, but give speculators a little time to exit positions. Market losses to rural land owners who have undeveloped tracts with no utility service will be minimal because the land generally is not overvalued, we do not allow owners to capture market appreciation as a direct result of our RIDP, no selling out the taxpayer and people. If landowners do not offer a good price we find another land for new towns. Again we do not let them capture value as a direct result of our plan and provide notice of such. Yes it will change the game for the system, however it is a rigged system. Land is everywhere vacant and we cant live there because of zoning? While properly zoned land skyrockets to millions an acre in cities? The land use/zoning game is the biggest injustice and form of manipulation and wealth transfer from the people to the commercial system in america.

Town Building and Planning with New Industry: We plan our industrial, manufacturing areas to be centrally located, with new towns and cities spread around it, we reserve that space for that use and limit residential development in those centers to prevent the rebirth of high population density centers like todays cities which create crime and health issues.

This also will allow smooth traffic and easy commutes from the homes of people to their central work areas. We use this pattern to create many hubs as opposed to huge mega hubs like NY, instead of NY we recreate that volume of business in up to 20 smaller hubs. Demographic movements will shift greatly and unpopulated states will become developed at a high percentage but at a lower overall density. The incentive to relocate? Free or low cost goverment land whereby each family is granted a 1 acre acre or so parcel to build a house on. The infrastructure for utilities like sewer, water etc. is backed by gov and financed by utlities using revenue projection models. Since everything is well planned utilities can be planned efficiently and any increase in utility costs will be minor relative to the costs saved by low priced or free land. The average family will be able to get a house for a target price of under $100 a square foot and with free land and low interest rates a mortage of $500 a month for a 2000 sq foot dwelling. We have treasury issue mortgages directly instead of the fed buying them at premiums via sallie, freddie etc, so based on 0 - .025 TBill rates mortgages can be originated by treasury and granted/given/held by banks to service with a 1.5 % service spread resulting in mortgages under 3%. We go to a 15 or 20 year average mortage in america. 2,000sq ft for $500 a month is achievable and people are making money along the way, just not a small group making it all.


Anonymous ID: 266e67 April 18, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.8847196   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pt 3

3- Infrastructure: We develop a model whereby the Treasury originates mortgages and loans (both residential and publi use) and then gives them to financial institutions to hold/manage for a set fee like 1.5% fully amortized (they gain the spread between the treasury origination and the service rate, but in a amortized method so they mark up a treasury originated loan of 200k and it becomes 250k, but with no ability to resell it for present value profit), we cut the waste and inefficiency of the current fed, wll street system of selling and reselling mortgages and then unloading them on the mae's for the taxpayers to bear the cost of their appreciation captures by discounting mortgage rates.

How things work now (spread is high for illustrative purposes) a mortgage originates at 6% for 200k, and through a series of bank to bank sales the Mae's end up paying 400k for a mortgage paying 3%, and wall street just made 200k in a few weeks, we do away with that scam on the taxpayer.

We build roads, bridges, etc. to support the new cities and gain the investment for new factories and manufacturing and MAGA.


What we do not do is spend a billion of taxpayers money to build a stadium in which 1% of the population goes to and pays $100+ a ticket so Athletes can be paid 1000x more than the taxpayer who built them a stadium and gave them a venue to talk bad about Potus!