Anonymous ID: 5057f1 April 18, 2020, 10:32 p.m. No.8847644   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7675


sure [anon]


"Chiniquy was born in 1809 to a French-Canadian family in the village of Kamouraska, Quebec. He lost his father at an early age and was adopted by his uncle. As a young man, Chiniquy studied to become a Catholic priest at the Petit Seminaire (Little Seminary) in Nicolet, Quebec. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1833. After his ordination, he served his church in Quebec. During the 1840s, he led a very successful[citation needed] campaign throughout Quebec against alcohol and drunkenness.


Later he immigrated to Illinois in the United States. In 1855, Chiniquy was sued by a prominent Catholic layman named Peter Spink in Kankakee, Illinois. After the fall court term, Spink applied for a change of venue to the court in Urbana. Chiniquy hired the lawyer Abraham Lincoln to defend him. The spring court action in Urbana was the highest profile libel suit in Lincoln's career.[2] The case was ended in the fall court session by agreement.[3]


Chiniquy clashed with the Bishop of Chicago, Anthony O'Regan, over the bishop's treatment of Catholics in the city, particularly French Canadians. He said that O'Regan was secretly backing Spink's suit against him. Chiniquy said that in 1856, O'Regan had threatened him with excommunication if he did not go to a new location where the bishop wanted to assign him. Several months later, the New York Times published a pastoral letter from Bishop O'Regan in which he stated that he had suspended Chiniquy. Since the priest had continued his normal duties as a priest, the bishop excommunicated him by his letter.


Chiniquy vigorously disputed that he had been excommunicated, saying publicly that the bishop was mistaken. Chiniquy left the Roman Catholic Church in 1858.[2] He claimed that the church was pagan, that Roman Catholics worshipped the Virgin Mary, that its theology spoils the Gospel, and that its theology is anti-Christian.[4] He also claimed that the Vatican had planned to take over the United States by importing Catholic immigrants from Ireland, Germany and France. This was at a time of high immigration rates from those countries, in response to social (the Great Famine in Ireland) and political upheaval (revolutions in Germany and France.)


Chiniquy claimed that he was falsely accused by his superiors (and that Abraham Lincoln had come to his rescue), that the American Civil War was a plot against the United States of America by the Vatican, and that the Vatican was behind the Confederate cause, and the death of President Lincoln, and that Lincoln's assassins were faithful Roman Catholics ultimately serving Pope Pius IX.


After leaving the Catholic Church, Chiniquy dedicated his life to trying to win his fellow French Canadians, as well as others, from Catholicism to the Protestant faith. He wrote a number of books and tracts expressing his views on the alleged errors in the faith and practises of the Roman Catholic Church. His two most influential works are Fifty Years in The Church of Rome[5] and The Priest, The Woman and The Confessional.[6] These books raised concerns in the United States about the Catholic Church. According to one Canadian biographer, Chiniquy is Canada's best-selling author of all time.[7]


He joined the Orange Order and said of it "I always found them staunch and true. I consider it a great honour to be an Orangeman. Every time I go on my knees I pray that God may bless them and make them as numerous and bright as the stars of the heaven above."[8]


He died in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on January 16, 1899.


To this day, some of Chiniquy's works are still promoted among Protestants and Sola scriptura believers. One of his most well-known modern day followers was Jack Chick, who created a comic-form adaptation of 50 Years In The Church of Rome, called "The Big Betrayal."[9] He relied strongly on Chiniquy's claims in his own anti-Catholic tracts."


the pleasure is all mine and the pain all yours….


I would go read some moar springmeier….