Gov Cuomo: “We control “the beast”…& “the beast” can rise again.”
>Do you think Anon that he is telling us he is a Satanist?
No, not necessarily. He is playing the part of the typical democrat who wants the public to bow down to him as though he is worth of worship as an "authority" figure. What's amazing in this clip is the level of hubris on display despite the fact that he is neither a scientist nor a physician, so he really has no clue what he is talking about. Even Fauci would not be so bold with his words. I see Cuomo as simply a little man with a big ego who wants to rule over others. Its easy to see where his son gets his ego from. But, Andrew doesn't strike me as sophisticated or intelligent enough to be sending "comms" the way that POTUS does if that was what you were asking.