Any vets actually get a stimulus payment?
Well considering the va changed my rating one day because they felt like it and then proceeded to take back the difference for the last decade leaving me with almost nothing, I would not be surprised if they take that too. I swear they really want me to burn down the hospital.
I have, and I have not made enough to pay taxes in many years. In the last 2 months I have had a total of about $900 come in and I have 2 kids.
I have food, at least the most basic items 90 days out, used to be much more than that. I also sell produce at farmers market in summer but that is not happening this year. Disability wise have occipital neuralgia, migraines, arthritis, neck and shoulder damage which makes me useless to most employers.
Even USAA was seizing checks at first tell they got called out.