Anonymous ID: 573406 April 21, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.8873522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3540

And now for something completely different


“Stay at Home, Stay in the US”: Protesters in Mexico Demand Ban on American Tourists


Protesters held signs declaring: "This is a pandemic! Stay at home, stay in the United States!"


(TMU) — Mexican protesters sealed off a border crossing at the U.S. southern border to demand that the flow of U.S. travelers into Mexico be halted by the national government in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


Residents of the Mexican state of Sonora, which lies south of Arizona, sealed off all Mexico-bound lanes at the main border crossing in the twin border cities of Ambos Nogales, in protest of their national government’s perceived failure to take sufficient measures to fight the ongoing CoViD-19 outbreak, Arizona Republic reports.


While disruptive, the masked protesters numbered fewer than a dozen. However, they still managed to block two southbound lanes of the DeConcini crossing and gain media attention.

Anonymous ID: 573406 April 21, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.8873557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pro-Trump, anti-lockdown protesters demand end to tyranny while refusing to wear masks: Here’s what happens next


Over the weekend, protesters in Austin and Denver demanded an end to the lockdowns. They carried signs that said things like, “It’s a HOAX” and almost universally refused to wear masks. This is what happens when the left-wing media lies to the nation, year after year, about climate change and carbon dioxide: When a real event comes along, no one believes the media anymore.


So now we have nearly half the country — the pro-Trump conservatives — who believe the virus is a hoax and that masks aren’t necessary since the virus isn’t real in the first place, they think. So they’re taking to the streets while the same left-wing media that fabricated the entire Russia collusion hoax now calls the protesters anti-science “covidiots.”

Anonymous ID: 573406 April 21, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.8873580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3608 >>3704 >>3756

Hundreds Rally Against Coronavirus Lockdown in Southern Russia



Around 500 demonstrators have gathered in the southern Russian city of Vladikavkaz to protest against job losses and lack of information about the coronavirus outbreak, Russia’s MBKh News website reported Monday.


Владикавказ сейчас:

— Simbiblis (@Simbiblis) April 20, 2020


National Guard troops have been deployed at the scene and at least three people, including the organizers, have been detained, the outlet added.


“I didn’t make up this disease and there’s one treatment: stay home,” Vyacheslav Bitarov, the governor of Russia’s republic of North Ossetia, was quoted as telling protesters in an attempt to get them to disperse.

Anonymous ID: 573406 April 21, 2020, 8:48 a.m. No.8873613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attorney General Barr Blocks Release of 9/11 Documents Despite Promises to Victims’ Families


In a last minute court filing, U.S. officials demanded a federal judge block the release of files detailing Saudi connections to the 9/11 attacks.


(TMU) — On Monday, U.S. Attorney General William Barr, acting director of national intelligence Richard Grenell, and other senior officials called on a federal judge to prevent the disclosure of files related to the role of the government of Saudi Arabia in the September 11 attacks. The officials told the judge in the civil case that the release of the files would endanger national security.

The files are being sought by families of the 9/11 victims who have spent the last two decades attempting to uncover the truth about the attacks. The families filed a lawsuit in federal district court in New York in 2017 as part of their effort to uncover the role of the Saudi government. What is publicly known is that the alleged 9/11 hijackers had a relationship with Saudi government officials. As Pro Public reported, at the 2019 White House September 11 memorial, U.S. President Donald Trump promised the families he would help them uncover the truth about 9/11. He made similar promises while he was campaigning for president.

Anonymous ID: 573406 April 21, 2020, 8:51 a.m. No.8873639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3669

US public opinion of China hits new low, Pew Research survey shows

A Pew poll of 1,000 people taken in March found that 66 per cent of respondents held an unfavourable view of China

A majority of Americans said they lacked confidence in Xi to do the right thing


Americans’ views toward China fell to their lowest level since Pew Research Centre started asking the question in 2005 as respondents’ opinion of President Xi Jinping hit a new low, according to survey results released Tuesday.

The Pew poll of 1,000 people taken last month found that 66 per cent of respondents held an unfavourable view of China, up from 47 per cent in 2017 when President Donald Trump took office. And a large majority of Americans said they lacked confidence in Xi to do the right thing when it came to global affairs, a steep increase since last year.

Anonymous ID: 573406 April 21, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.8873679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American revolutionaries begin the Siege of Boston


In April of 1775, the opening shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired at the village green of Lexington. Although the Declaration of Independence was still 15 months away, open conflict had started and it lit a powderkeg that would engulf all of the 13 colonies.


As a result of the incidents in the towns west of Boston, the Colonial Army began a siege of British-held Boston, which was then on a peninsula. The siege would last nearly 11 months before the British forces of General Howe would withdraw by ships in March 1776, and sail to Nova Scotia.


But the war between the British Empire and the 13 colonies had been brewing for quite some time. It all began with several hotheads from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Massachusetts had been the scene of many acts of defiance, including the Boston Tea Party, the Boston Massacre and it generally was a hotbed of disdain for the occupying British Army (redcoats) who were stationed in Boston.


But the long-simmering feelings of resentment on both sides would ignite in April 1775. General Gage, the British military governor and commander, gave orders to 3,000 regulars to destroy the arms and powder of the Colonials in Concord with the hope that this would diffuse the situation and avoid open rebellion. It would have the opposite effect.


Gage was considered an oppressor by the colonists, but he considered himself a lover of liberty. He was trying to avoid bloodshed and open warfare with the English colonists — no one at that time used the term “American,” that would come much later.

Anonymous ID: 573406 April 21, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.8873705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand's lockdown contained coronavirus. Now comes the hard part


Wellington - When New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her top health official announced this week they would delay easing tough measures to control the coronavirus pandemic, they might have expected an uproar.


Instead, New Zealanders - largely confined to their homes for a month - flooded social media with messages of support for Ardern and Dr Ashley Bloomfield, the director general of health.


The duo, who lead New Zealand's policy of near-total isolation and sweeping restrictions on movement, have created and ridden a wave of public support and compliance that has all but shut down the spread of the virus.


Now comes the hard part.


Getting the $200 billion trade- and tourism-dependent economy running again from a standing start will be no mean feat. Criticisms have grown that similar results could have been achieved with less stringent measures. And ongoing costs of lost jobs and stimulus measures could count against Ardern's party in upcoming elections.

Anonymous ID: 573406 April 21, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.8873744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They’re Already Planning Their Next ‘Crisis’ Mr. President…Come Down Hard On These People Now!


In case you haven’t noticed, they don’t like you Mr. President. They feel entitled to your power given to you by the American people. They are tyrants. They are communists. Communists lie, murder, cheat, steal. They want you gone so they can finish the job of destroying America the Beautiful. They want to enjoy all the American trappings of power, which have to be addictive. They want to ride again in Air Force One. They want the perks. They want the ability to read our phones again (oh wait they probably still are…).


They’ve been paid a lot by their Chicom masters in Beijing. The boss is getting restless. The propaganda from the politburo is being dutifully parroted by the Mainstream Media, but for some reason it is not working as well as intended. The people are still protesting the ‘mandatory lockdown’, meant to destroy the economy so you won’t be re-elected.