Anonymous ID: a06992 April 21, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.8873621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3651


>Who controls North Korea


In this anon’s opinion, North Korea is directly ruled by the cabal as Nazi Germany was.


Nazi Germany: Blavatsky Thule Society > Hitler > 1923 > SS (read about the SS if you haven’t, they envisioned and tried to create a racial state with a unified government and religion… SS was literally a franchise of the babylonian mystery schools)


NK appears to share many of these traits. Socialist (the goal of all mystery schools, including faggot freemasons and sneaky ismailis, etc). Racial state. Merged religion and state. Pyramids and other mystery school symbolism everywhere, current leader educated in (((Switzerland))), it is a satanic/luciferian/cabal run state. An example for us all to follow.