Anonymous ID: abd3dd April 21, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.8873627   🗄️.is 🔗kun


nice stamp and wording.


Do serious anons even wonder about this? Of course he's comped. Ever hear him get a call from a truther about 911 or some such thing? I have (personal memory, dunno where sauce is). It ain't good! Cabal owns everyone in those positions. Even if their heart of hearts agrees with our side, they're in a controlled-oppo position. Frankly, I wonder if ANY and I do mean ANY major media stars are trulyy "man" and not some hybrid bloodline Nephilim/Cain/whatever species.


I think the 'good guys' pilot Rush ever since his beard appeared though.


To say nothing of the Jim Morrison angle.

