Anonymous ID: c746d4 April 21, 2020, 7:39 a.m. No.8873100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3124

>>8873052 (lb)

The mind makes what it wants to make.

you have no idea.

in a venue like this you can get real people, unfettered, who post as they will.

or you cant get twitchy people worried about commas and plurals and if they mean 'axes' or 'axes', two different pronunciations.

then you get those like you whose approach is 'I know I'm better than this other because I put all my 't's in the correct location.

blahditty blah blah.

and I go and see the scroll in the mueseaum and say 'ya, I get it. sure. He typed it all on one giant long piece of paper, but he was reading off his notes and other stories, so that's a fraud.'


well that's that. You got to do your last little insult and supremicist "I'm better'en you are' bit for me."



do you feel better?


the story ends. He tries to post. He learned in touch tuyping that just keep going, fix the mistakes later, that is how it was done on paper . . .


so that's that.

"my minds bettern' your mind" anon gets a whooping at the end of the bread.


he tried to post.

the bread had ended.

automatic typing is easy when you practice it.

try it sometime. But hit 'New Reply' before the bread ends or you'll end up losing it all.


listen, when I'm full on in my Kerouac mode, I type so much shit that I spare the bread and just save off line.

Anonymous ID: c746d4 April 21, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.8873127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3134 >>3147 >>3263


he used their weapon of this virus misinformation as a pry bar to get a lot of what we needed in the first place.

I don't like having to stay in side all day, but I do like that we finally expose all of the falsity of the global-government agenda.

Anonymous ID: c746d4 April 21, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.8873294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


is that real?

I gave up watching the Olympics in the 1980s'

is it really that creepy?

It almost looks like someone used blender to make an abomination video.


wow that's some sick imagery and they would broadcast that world wide? in 2012?


being a hermit at times I don't involve myself with these visual spurges from the control-plane of social farming of expected output.

the agenda of these who make such horid prsentation seems an impotent spell, something that is deflated out of the box like a balloon.

attention to it blows up that balloon.


By not watching or participating in these kinds of pagents one choose to not inflate the balloon of false ideas presented by the idea-marketting of reptilian global-abomination mongers.

Anonymous ID: c746d4 April 21, 2020, 8:37 a.m. No.8873513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3526


you show one, then you keep showing more.

why am I here? to point out when peole do what you are doing which is use the evidence of abomination to further the effect and cause.

so you sow the fear here because you feed on the fear and I point it out.

you do that?


that's one reason why.

Anonymous ID: c746d4 April 21, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.8873578   🗄️.is 🔗kun


my suggestion on this matter is that money owed by them, during these trying times, should be considered a loan to them and that the unrefunded overages should result in interest.

i would further that by saying that the people should be given accounts and the money should acree interest until the point of it being paid back. So that would give htem an incentive to not behave like it's last century and do their F'in jobs. use robots if you have to.

do your jobs, you louts!

Anonymous ID: c746d4 April 21, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.8873647   🗄️.is 🔗kun


China stopped listening in 1946.

China you speak about is not there anymore.

what you discuss is a puppet regime of bloated tickled babies who were let grow up to follow their addictions as long as they did what they were told by their handlers.

Anonymous ID: c746d4 April 21, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.8873737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If Potus would focus also on this crisis with the IRS saying 'oh my oh my oh my' about paper, and come up with a way for those of us who have to do it this way becuae we are low rent and live broke as a way-of-life, and don't care about the meager so we let it ride, and the 'pay to file' thing that they require to file electronically is a major bummer and a grift . . . we do the paper because it's worked before and we don't agree to be charged.

I figured why not keep the Post Office in business. My interest in graphics had long ago spilled over into covers, so there was that aspect of wanting to use the mail.


It gave a paper trail.

stealing the data is a 'mail crime'.

why doesn't the systeem include IRS officers in the postoffice proximity and the mail adressed to the post office is opened and processed by an immediate system and doesn't ahve to be collected all togther?

put those IRS employees to use in a real way by having them each take the mail for just one town, for example.

maybe that gives them too much insight into all the towns?

a method of me going and letting the system scan those pages could easily be accomplished.

Or how about an email address.

Something that doesn't cost $100 just to agree to try it, or have your data shipped over to Bangalore and pawed over by who knows who IP as it hippity hops around the world.

why not have a way for me to email my gifs fo the pages (or jpgs)

or give me a format to submit it electronically, like a pdf that I can fill out and you can extract the data electronically from me to the IRS with No middle in between.


but no live in fear, IRS.

iwondeer if the fear is real or just imagined.

If I were an IRS person I'd see this as an opportunity.

they've lived wihtin that broken system and the new system needs to happen.

they can live in fear or make themselves useful for the future.


IRS: do your jobs. Make some good legacy.

save the post office.

provide a better method to supply our records to you without your inbetweener profiteering gatekeeper crap-website providers.