Anonymous ID: ee7e5d April 21, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.8873196   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8872565 (lb)

Some of these are actual campaign promises from @POTUS and promises from Q (Wars, FED reformation, Gold). Another good bit of these, though, are bullshit, or mischaracterized as "policy" where superior leadership (i.e. Donald J. Trump) could make them happen if it weren't for all the criminals that are still in US Gov't.


If you think your mortgage, cc, loadn debt is going to disappear, you might ought to think about how that would benefit folks, and where all those jobs linked to that system are going to go. Unless @POTUS puts a 1 million dollar check in everyone's account after eliminating 80% of the finance world's jobs, then there's going to be some jobless, pissed off people running around with nothing to show for their lifelong careers in financial management.


A "Fair Tax", Flat Tax, 9-9-9, or other fantasitcal theoretical tax scheme is NOT going to be implemented. @POTUS, himself, has said how he's in favor of income tax, especially taxing the super rich at 14%. He likes income tax; it works, and is expansible for population/government by sheer numbers. There's not much forethought/planning needed if you keep expanding populace/gov't tied to income taxes. It's too simple of a concept to do away with; AS LONG AS YOU FLATTEN IT. Should the IRS and tax brackets be permanently fixed per income levels by percent? Yes. write offs and other loop holes need to be completely eliminated, too, for this to work. In other words, a "Flat" income tax would work, and take all the guesswork out of everything. Corporate taxes should be exceedingly low. Individual taxes should be set to moderately low, and scale up with income levels. Corporate welfare could be implemented with forced humanitarian write offs to further reduce taxable rates.


Outside of that, there's not a single person that shouldn't look at this list as a series of goals. It COULD be done, but it's not going to be done as a magical piece of legislation. It will be done through civic participation in conjunction with superior leadership; which we currently have in place.


Vote the detractors out of office.

Kick those assholes out of the country.

Lead (USA exceptionalism) by example.

The world will eventually follow.


That's how this list happens.

Anonymous ID: ee7e5d April 21, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.8873343   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is precisely how the big names operate with this place on twitter.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e42a09 No.8200590 📁

Feb 20 2020 20:47:48 (EST)


Anonymous ID: 22ec82 No.8200492 📁

Feb 20 2020 20:42:25 (EST)




Baker already noted Q.


Missed heaps of other shit but got this



Primary purpose of referencing 'Twitter' accounts?

TOGETHER you are invincible.





Anonymous ID: ee7e5d April 21, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.8873808   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Exactly my point. We do what we do here, and that's all that matters. If the MSM picks up on their content and tries to attribute it to this board, it'll be dismissed entirely by anons everywhere.