Anonymous ID: bf8b09 April 23, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.8897625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8894701 LB Past Breads




We need a whole section to discuss diet scientifically and with real research not voodoo type.


I think POTUS boldly proclaiming the simple herbal and mineral heal (Hydroxychloroquine is a manmade of herb sweet wormwood) is just the beginning.




So when POTUS wanted the White House doctors to see the State Representative with Lyme disease HE BELIEVES their are cures for these "diseases" that modern medication makes millions of people live with because we spend 10,000s each per year on getting "medical" help that isn't curing but only prolonging a curable illness.


No matter what MSM says there has been research:


That they choose to ignore.


The healing components of herbs, minerals, vitamins and natural whole foods is well-known among holistic healers but shunned by MS professional doctors who are linked in to pharma and who make $100,000 plus per year (one of my doctors made $300,000 a year from pharma–I stopped going to him).


The current medical systems has NO DESIRE to cure our illnesses but to KEEP us on PHARMA life long.


We need much information to be widely shared so we can break free from Pharma and get healthy again with natural whole foods, minerals, herbs, vitamins and non-gentically modified foods and toxic, over-proceeded packaged "food".