Anonymous ID: 716ae9 April 25, 2020, 6:12 p.m. No.8923531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3546

You’ve heard the stories. Stories that are becoming too numerous to count. Stories of despotic governors ordering helicopter surveillance of local golf courses. Stories of city council members dictating who can and cannot sell garden seeds. Stories of police officers taking the license-plate numbers of parishioners parked in church parking lots. Stories of patrolmen chasing down lone joggers on the public beach.


Story after story of big-city mayors who fancy themselves your Big Brother rather than your public servant. Stories of oligarchical arrogance that prior to, oh, let’s say about five minutes ago, most of us considered to be the stuff of dystopian novels rather than the reality of our daily lives.


Well, in the midst of such irrefutable proof that “power corrupts and absolute power, corrupts absolutely,” the winner of this week’s Brave New World Award hails, not from California or New York, but from Oklahoma — the reddest of the red states — a state that has not had one county vote blue in any of the past four presidential elections.

Anonymous ID: 716ae9 April 25, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.8923863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The History Guy : Teresa Cuevas

Member of all female mariachi band that was at the Hyatt Regency when the walkway collapsed in the 1980's….Were there for a corporate event .Some kind of Tea party was going on in the lobby ..

On July 17, 1981, two walkways collapsed at the Hyatt Regency Kansas City hotel in Kansas City, Missouri, one directly above the other. They crashed onto a tea dance being held in the hotel's lobby, killing 114 and injuring 216.[2] It remains the deadliest non‑deliberate structural failure in American history, and was the deadliest structural collapse[3] in the U.S. until the collapse of the World Trade Center towers 20 years later.