Anonymous ID: 546911 April 29, 2020, 9 a.m. No.8961726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1807 >>1937 >>2134 >>2291

Deep State Darling Ellen Nakashima: WaPo Writer Behind This Week’s Trump-Grenell Fake News Hit Piece Was Also First to Report Russia Hacked the DNC in 2016


Ellen Nakashima is the Washington Post writer behind this week’s fake news report that President Trump was responsible for the coronavirus threat that was quickly debunked by DNI Richard Grenell.


But this wasn’t the first piece of Deep State garbage that she posted in her career as a liberal journalist.


We reported earlier — The Washington Post reported on Monday night that President Trump’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited the virus threat. In other words, the pandemic is Trump’s fault because of negligence!

What BS.


POTUS’ intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat. ⁦@gregpmiller⁩ and me


— Ellen Nakashima (@nakashimae) April 27, 2020

Anonymous ID: 546911 April 29, 2020, 9:05 a.m. No.8961763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NGO working on flying more migrants to Germany


The German migrant NGO “Mission Lifeline” is working diligently to raise money in order to fly scores of migrants from Greece to Germany.


According to the organization’s spokesman, the NGO has managed to raise about 55,000 euros in the few days since they first announced their plan. The money would be used to pay for two separate flights that would transport approximately 150 migrants from Greek camps to Germany.


If the NGO has its way, it would like to see a kind of migrant taxi system between the Greek island Lesbos and Berlin introduced. As of right now, the NGO’s efforts have been hindered by Germany’s Federal Ministry of the Interior, which has yet to give the organization permission to fly in migrants from Greece.


The German government isn’t the only national government that “Mission Lifeline” is trying to persuade to take in migrants from Greek camps. The organization is in the process of convincing other EU member states to do the same, Junge Freiheit reports.


Mission Lifeline argues that outbreaks of the virus in camps would “result in countless deaths”, despite not having any hard data to back up such claims.

Anonymous ID: 546911 April 29, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.8961792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are You Enjoying Your First Test Drive of Socialist America?


Are you enjoying your first taste of socialism? Life in America today is a sneak preview of life in Cuba or Venezuela. Democrats love it. This is the future they plan for you. The current economic catastrophe is exactly what America will look like if we institute the Green New Deal.


The goal is to defeat climate change by killing your job, taking away your car, closing your business and turning America into Cuba or Venezuela.


It's a progressive Democrat's rainy dream.


And isn't it great? You don't need to go to work. Money magically appears in your bank account. Hopefully, you can live on $1,200 every six weeks for the rest of your life.

Anonymous ID: 546911 April 29, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.8961829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ivory Coast presidential candidate Soro hit with 20-year jail term


Guillaume Soro, the former rebel leader running for president in Ivory Coast, was convicted in absentia on Tuesday of embezzlement and sentenced to 20 years in prison. The former prime minister, who is in exile in France, has denied the charges, claiming they are politically motivated.


The verdict, announced after a trial in Ivory Coast that lasted only a few hours and was boycotted by Soro's lawyers, is likely to exclude Soro from October's election, when President Alassane Ouattara is due to step down.


Prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for Soro in December for allegedly plotting a coup against his former ally Ouattara's government and stealing public funds.


Soro, who has been living in Europe, diverted his plane in the air instead of returning home in December to Ivory Coast – where he planned to launch his campaign – when it became clear that Ivorian authorities had issued an arrest warrant for him.


Soro has denied the charges, which he says are intended to prevent him from challenging Ouattara's preferred successor, Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly, in the election.

Anonymous ID: 546911 April 29, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.8961908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Trial Run..No Doubt


Poland's all-postal presidential vote 'dangerously undermines' democracy, warns HRW


Poland's government should scrap its plan to hold an all-postal presidential ballot next month or risk undermining the country's democracy, Human Rights Watch warned on Tuesday.


Campaigning for the presidential ballot was paused in early March due to the COVID-19 pandemic but the country's ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) has backed maintaining the May 10 election and introduced legislation to create a mail-in voting system.


The bill has been backed by Parliament's lower house and has moved on to the Senate.


The second alternative PiS has proposed is to extend the current presidential term from five to seven years.


Human Right Watch condemned both alternatives on Tuesday and called on parliament — held by Pis — to "ensure that the election process is predictable, free, and fair, which may require postponing the voting for a short period."


'There is no legal basis for the election'

Anonymous ID: 546911 April 29, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.8961945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1981

Robert Mueller’s Case Against Michael Flynn Is About To Implode

New facts in the Michael Flynn case call into question the voluntariness of Flynn’s plea. Judge Sullivan should dismiss the charges to send a clear message: Outrageous prosecutorial coercion will not be tolerated.


The criminal case against Michael Flynn imploded Friday. First, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia provided Flynn’s legal team with documents discovered by an outside review of the Flynn prosecution — documents withheld for years. Then, Sidney Powell, the attorney who took over Flynn’s defense nearly a year ago, filed new documents in the case, revealing a secret “lawyers’ understanding” not to prosecute Flynn’s son if the retired lieutenant general pleaded guilty

Anonymous ID: 546911 April 29, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.8961970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2163

Flynn Just Flipped The FBI Upside Down, Now Prison Cells May Well Be In Their Future


Lawrence David| Opinion| Lt. General Michael Flynn has endured more than three years of living hell and personal bankruptcy at the hands of corrupt FBI agents intent on bringing him down.


That is likely to be confirmed this week, perhaps as early as today, when Judge Emmet Sullivan is expected to unseal proof that the FBI coerced a guilty plea out of Flynn to end his ties with the Trump campaign where he could expose Obama’s malfeasance.


At the core of this is the government’s refusal to hand over Brady material… exculpatory evidence that would prove prosecutors knew Flynn was innocent but proceeded to turn the screws in order to get a plea. Why?


Despite reports of lead agent Peter Strzok’s bias, it’s unlikely the agents – Strzok and Joe Pientka – who targeted Gen. Flynn were acting fueled solely by their own bias.

Anonymous ID: 546911 April 29, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.8962123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gordon Chang: The WHO was complicit in the deliberate spread of coronavirus


April 29, 2020Secure Freedom Radio

Gordon Chang, The Daily Beast contributor and author of Losing South Korea (2019), joins Secure Freedom Radio to discuss the World Health Organization’s role in the spread of COVID-19 disinformation from the onset of the virus.


“This was an attack on the world. Chinese officials admitted that COVID-19 was human-to-human transmissible only on January 20th. But doctors in Wuhan knew about that the second week of December, so Beijing knew about that shortly thereafter. Now, if China had said nothing about human-to-human transmissibility during that five and a half-week or so period, it would have been grossly irresponsible. But what China did was try and convince the world that it was not human-to-human transmissible and therefore healthcare officials around the world were lulled into not taking precautions that they otherwise would have adopted. To make this worse, China pressured countries around the world to not impose restrictions and quarantines from arrivals from China. So, this is how the disease spread.”