Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.8961658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1686


If you had tagged the Dough post w/ your "Baker Babes" - you would not have shit the bred, youvssho73


>>8961592 TYB!


Ok, nik'd this late LB. KEK'd good.

Would have been nicer if message could have read "Hello, China is Asshole"

Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.8961716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1795


Interesting anon, thanks for rejoining this bred, will hold off on lunch for a min.

Your poly-sci knowledge is impressive.

There was a bit the other day, mebbe yesterday or day before, believe it was on Bannon's War Room, special series this week. Guest, Frank Gaffney was speaking about how we think we are bringing Chinese over here to go to our universities and learn our culture, when in fact, it's the "princes", who are basically Chinese deep-state motherfvckrs, who just learn, nod, and then screw us, and the common-person in China never gets a chance.

Believe it was Frank Gaffney, but could have been his colleague just prior, didn't take notes, hope have correct.

Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 9:05 a.m. No.8961769   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, grateful to have you and your woke famalam in this fight with all of us together. comfy.

Such interesting info, we truly are the news, history will study these pages.


>>8961686 KEK!

Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.8961823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1928 >>2185 >>2226 >>2275



It may have gotten lost a bred or two ago.

An anon made connection between FreshCamel and Corney playing the Camel Up GAME.




Mebbe comms for this method no longer viable/valid comms (I lost)?

Who noze, but interdasting coinkadink.

Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.8961944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1984



>by the "apology" offered

Completely following anon, ty.

Apologies (vs Apologetics, keke). Hmm..


>>8960465 (PB)

>Trump in 1993 in front of congress spanking them

Good video (archive offline).


>>8960755 (PB)

> If you ever fuck up with Trump, lead right away with an apology. Apologies are important.


Then there was the real focus on the Yahoo apology yesterday at the SBA presser.


>>8960655 (PB)


Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.8962150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2204 >>2297




>Using the apology while giving Face, changes the obligation to the guest

Baker notable

Trump, Xi, Giving Face and the Mar-A-Lago Connection


Anon, I believe you are onto something profound here, in the global dynamic. Important considering where this could be going, war-wise.

24 March 2020

These last weeks, Mr Trump is not talking about coronavirus anymore. Now he is talking about the Chinese virus, or the Chinese coronavirus. This small change will have huge consequences.


One of the most important aspects of Chinese culture is Face. It’s difficult to translate because we don’t have this concept in western culture, and some people mistakenly simplify by translating it as “honor” or similar. There are full books talking about it, and many different definitions. To understand Face it’s important to understand that social relationships in China are based on belonging to a group. Work, university friends, family etc. But also city, province, country… Inside of a group, you act according to your rank in that group, not according to your feelings. And your rank in that group is determined by several issues, but probably the most important is the Face that you have in relation to the other people in this group. In the west we have bank accounts, in China they have Face accounts. Everybody is aware of the Face they have on each group relating to the others (so in small groups, you are aware of the Face that others have)


This is one of the pillars of Chinese culture, probably its most important concept, and the root of most of the misunderstandings between the East and the West. Face rules everything.


For example, Western cultures tend to think in terms of “truth” and “rightness” (where being innocent and right is most important). In China, Face is more important than Truth and Rightness. So, many times, truth is disregarded because you MUST do what the situation demands in order not to loose face, or to avoid somebody else from loosing face. Westeners do not understand this fact and are exasperated when Chinese say a thing and later do another.


Is this wrong? No, it’s simply another set of core values


So, one of the worst things that you can make in China is make someone loose face, especially in front of others. In western cultures, it would be tantamount to telling someone he is a son of a bitch, and continue the conversation as if nothing happened.


Sorry, that was longer than I anticipated. But it’s very important to understand the concept of Face when you are dealing with your Chinese counterpart. and clearly Trump does not (or, most likely, does not care)


It’s important to understand that the first weeks of the Covid-19, when it was inside of China, some individuals in the government were loosing Face for their handling of the situation. But once the virus gets out of China, and begins killing people all around the world, China as a nation begins loosing Face. A lot.


What would Chinese expect? Whatever the truth is, you need to GIVE them face. This means, even if you think they have mishandled the situation and that’s why it has spread, you need to tell them the virus is so hard to control, it was impossible to contain, etc… Giving face is super important in Chinese culture.


The opposite to giving Face is taking Face, and that’s what Mr Trump is doing. Not only he is not doing what is expected of him, giving Face, but he is remarking, again and again and again, that Chinese are to blame for the virus. So every time he says the adjective “Chinese” before the word “Virus”, a minor earthquake shakes China. …


From our Western perspective, these are poor attempts to cover the truth (yes, always the Truth, because we are Truth centered). But from the Chine culture point of view, we are forcing them to act like this. From their point of view, it’s the way to try to save Face.


So what now? As I explained, making someone loose face is the western equivalent of insulting him. So every time Mr Trump says “chinese” virus, he is insulting China as a nation, and all the Chinese that belong to this group. And, especially, Xi Jinping, who has put himself in the position of ultimate responsible of everything that happens in China.


So, even if Trump changes course, too much damage has been made. This small adjective that he has been using will affect the way Chinese handle negotiations with the US and Mr Trump from now on. …

Marc Torras


Perhaps it is to the CCP that Face is being taken? Why many are using the term "CCP Virus"?

Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.8962267   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, not to get all chatty, but not too far N. of you and too bad we can just sit down over a cup of tea and talk moar.


I traveled in Taiwain and China some years ago. My host could speak/read/write Mandarin, so we went completely off the beaten path, zero tourist shit.


One day in Taiwan, host was working for the day so I meandered to Tea shops and acquired Oolong teas. Spent 2 hrs in one shop with a women, I could basically only say hello and thank you. Acquired a number of teas, including some very nice varieties from Ali-Shan.

Prolly came home with 2 lbs of tea overall!

Learned Gongfu Cha proper way, observing closely when we were hosted by others in their homes.


We traveled "By Coin". We'd go into a travel agent, ask if they had flights to Beijing and Shanghai for example, and with both available, we'd flip a coin to decide where to go next. Recall such WIDE EYES from a travel agent, that we would "travel by luck".


Brewing alone, I just skip the Dong Bao Dei (messing spelling up - fairness cup).

Have been enjoying Ooolong of late during the lockdown here.


Anyway, have a great day anon! Here's a cup for you.

Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 10:04 a.m. No.8962307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8962275 Good anon.

I like the theory anon put forth over the night/this am, that perhaps when we were thinking Movie titles all along, it was the Game versions being pointed out.

Future truly does prove past in this 5D Puzzle Game-Theory milintel operation.

Truly brilliant planning unfolding, one for the history books for ages to come.

Glad to be a part of it with all you glorious faggots!

Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.8962361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good on you anon.

>I wonder if people will ever be able to see the evil we are swimming through every day - so it will end?

That's the real question. I do have faith, and trust in the plan, but damn, this op is trying / teaching patience to a massive degree.

Also tearing up personal life a bit, some close would prefer I deny all (even if they haven't researched or read a single q-post, just digested the MSM hit pieces). Sad, sad. I told you so's will be fine, but damage is damage and not really looking for that satisfaction. Real Justice will be nice. Wish we were going to get more than 40% disclosure, I think humanity really does need the FULL truth, let those who can't handle reality suffer as part of their path (sorry normies, but you're earning this sentiment at this point).

Anonymous ID: 94ede2 April 29, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.8962384   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One of them used a very hi-tech grenade to blow up a car. Very rare mil-grade device. That would point more to C_A imo, but who knows. As other anon said, probably both.

It could be mil as well.

These FF's could all be "legal" according to some secret doctrine.

Have been thinking of late that even 9/11 may be flying under 'legal' cover.