Anonymous ID: c470a1 April 29, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.8962021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2039 >>2053 >>2068 >>2076

Justin Amash's Presidential Bid


Anons, let me postulate for a few minutes and present a theory that Amash may not be the bad guy everything thinks he is.

I've never quite understood him turning against Trump in the way he did. I think the general consensus among anons was that his ethnicity was at play in particular with regards to where his money came from and who he was in bed with.

I dunno… just never quite made sense… until today.

I suspect someone has dirt not on him, but his parents and he was doing someones bidding with his turn on Trump.

Except Amash is a "double agent" so-to-speak.

And here we are today and he's after the Libertarian nomination which is, in the ways things played out, a somewhat logical step for him given he left the GOP.

The loons on the left think this hurts Trump; it doesn't.

Amash just gave the Bernie Bros an outlet. Remember, we know Biden will not be the nominee given his mental decline. So don't put Amash as the alternative to Biden for the Bernie-ites… put Amash as the alternative to whomever comes out of the DNC convention with the nomination.


Anonymous ID: c470a1 April 29, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.8962248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This goes with my observation on Amash.

You "turn on Trump"

Trump berates you on Twitter.

Lefties promote you because you're anti-Trump.

Then you start doing something unexpected…
