Anonymous ID: ca2333 April 29, 2020, 9:32 a.m. No.8962032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2172 >>2245


Here are a few of MegaAnon's archived posts about Palpatine's Revenge. I fell asleep reading through it again last night.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:TSFZIQRd Sat 16 Dec 2017 01:03:23 No.153457135 >>153450475

I did. Now just keep watching Strzok/Awan, McCabe, Mueller Rod Rosenstein, etc. McCains natural causes are kicking in and GHB's probably will too. The fire is hot so as things between now and the first week of the New Year heat up, be smart as things are being reported with firehose speed. Give everything that's said the 24hr. rule. Let it play for a minute before y'all let yourselves get all worked up. We will start to see more intentional leaks and falsified MSM reports coming out to purposefully confuse and distract you from the facts and real news they'll be FORCED to cover and can't ignore. They do this to keep everyone chasing their dicks so they can't remember what was real, what wasn't, what was covered, confirmed, ignored or retracted. At this point, all the media or these congressmen bobble heads have to do is say it and it ignorantly becomes a "confirmed fact" for many who so willingly just believe it, like idiots. Don't be ignorant idiots. Be you, (You).

I already told y'all Strzok isn't what he's being portrayed as and Awan ties to this in many ways, too. Strzok = "S". He's a "memo" guy. Specializes in the creation of "legally official", yet "fake", everything and anything that's needed to be generated, submitted, reviewed, proved or approved. From press releases/leaks, "official" but forged/edited/modified/generated docs, fake emails/meta, FISA requests/warrants, hell, even birth certificates and citizen documentation of anyone… even former Presidents.

I've seen some people implying he doesn't "exist". This is kinda right and a very observational good catch, but he does exist. Strzok is a "person", just not THE "actual person" you've been led to think he is. THIS is important so save this to reference in the coming weeks. He isn't FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. necessarily, he's a utility player/clean-up batter. He works for "them" whenever they require his "skills". He's as deep as they come AND he's pretty unfindable on purpose. ;o)

~~~~~Anonymous ID:TSFZIQRd Sat 16 Dec 2017 01:15:11 No.153457915 >>153448140

Ummm… I'm still here but I've only posted since May, not a year ago. How about this, tell me what AEWP is if you're so great at putting all this shit together. I mean, it's "so" easy, right? No one denies these screen grabs were released in July 2017. I didn't imply I was exposing them. I'm just recalling them to show you how Strzok has played many different roles/for different people. Why didn't you ID Strzok months ago if you knew or could assume he was "S" from these screen grabs? You've had them since July, too. You should know who they all are, right? Why aren't you telling us who/what all people/these things are.

If y'all had spent more time looking into the things I've posted over the last 7 months and less time arguing about me, you'd be sitting back right now all cozy, just waiting for the show.

Anonymous ID: ca2333 April 29, 2020, 9:32 a.m. No.8962036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


~~~~~Anonymous ID:TSFZIQRd Sat 16 Dec 2017 01:20:46 No.153458305 >>153447497

Yes they are very real but only really matter now. Fresh did some really good work here. Glad his efforts and willingness to verify and risk in exposinh himself a little publicly to get this out will start to pan out. The "high-level FBI" personal computer he backed into will be fun to watch. Hope everyone gets to see whose computer it was.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:faXtPW1t Sun 17 Dec 2017 23:47:56 No.153672432 >>153667922

He practically is, y'all. McCabe, Strzok, Priestap, and half those other 27 no name FBI leakers you'll watch be indicted. This is why I said the ARE REAL PEOPLE, but kinda like a patsy, they have no background, no details, etc. Like I said last week, you'll find out Strzok is a deep state contracted "memo guy" who is only being mentioned now because of what he did as contracted, by dirty McCabe and the FBI. THIS is how a ton of fucking shit legitimately was happening under Comey's nose, without him knowing about it, ON PURPOSE.

They didn't even invite him to their Palpatine's Revenge dark web, encrypted party chats on Gliph. Not all those "texts" coming out are texts. You'll see.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:4NJ6m/iU Tue 19 Dec 2017 21:27:15 No.153883540 Quoted By:>>15388382 >>15384937 >>153879632

First, Schumer is going down y'all. Be excited.

Next… - McCabe was already removed from investigative duties, demoted, then stuck in HR until they could publicly announce it. BUT, when he didn't show up to the hearing the first time 2 weeks ago, they fired him, sent him home with an ankle bracelet severance package like his friends and today he's testifying as part of his under his closed session indictment. His "public firing" will only make the announcement look good for the cameras/normies now, who are clueless. He's been under house arrest like Manafort was just released from and Awan currently is. Same for Hillary, McCain, Podestas, Huma and the rest.

  • Strzok falsified fake news/false Russia intel to Limey Louise Mensch while feeding real stories to WaPo. He also falsified the documentation required to support FISA approvals as presented evidence. Strzok is "deep state". He has been "employed" by many as needed, under contract. It's why you can't find shit on him and his background is vague. Strzok is NOT who "they" have depicted. None of them are, as you'll soon learn. Their "testimony's" will be fun to watch as the MSM realized they pushed biggest fake news yet on this.

-Priestep, McCabe, Strzok (deep state) and 27 other "unidentified leakers" pending (also deep state) operated under the Comey radar using non-FBI provided/sanctioned, SMS converted, Tor hosted Gliph encrypted chat box applications/sessions, which enabled them to to coordinate and communicate unbeknownst to Comey and intel depts./agencies, for the better part of the last 2.5 years.