Anonymous ID: efa018 April 29, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.8962061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2361 >>2376


1) I do not practice social distancing - knew that was crap from the outset

2) I do not avoid shaking hands or talking to people - no change in behavior

3) I do not wash my hands constantly - haven't this whole time

4) I have never self-quarantined - if it really took that to avoid contagion, everyone on TV would be in a hazmat outfit…


in short, I never believed this shit from the gitgo, simply due to the way it came out was spoopy as fuck, the disinfo campaign was all over the map and the exact same talking points covered the entire world like a massive blanket…


for me, it was like 9/11 - when that first tower went, it was such obvious demolition into its own footprint that I blurted out, "That is controlled collapse - this was planned!" I got social distanced for many years simply be believing my lying eyes over that…


this had the same flavor to it, and while people have died, the numbers (even the contrived numbers) never added up to anything resembling a 'pandemic'…


now we are being fed "imminent food shortages" by the usual stooges


I wonder if people will ever be able to see the evil we are swimming through every day - so it will end?