troll cw chanter on his actual livestreams.
Leaving this here, hoping only a couple anons read it.
I love how pretending to namefag as those kikes chanter and steinbart has now made some anons make recurring posts, but I'm disappointed that I'm not seeing the commitment to actually troll chanter on his page or those shitty livestreams he does.
And you can't sue someone under RICO and Corey Goode is also a serious faggot so I don't understand trying to defend his fraudulent ass.
>lso careful with gay ops, lying has a way of coming back to bite your ass
Stirring the pot is fun and educational.
Steinbart and Chanter are both famefag kikes, me red-texting as them using their own words (or words very similar to theirs) posting awful screencaps with filenames like dick_suck_lips isn't a form or black magic, it's trolling.
The 3 real anons left on this board spotted it and anyone that looks into those two will know they are in fact famefag kikes that deserve the rope.
You don't know what anon is short for and you don't know what the definition of a shill is. You're old and obsolete.