Anonymous ID: f1a424 May 1, 2020, 1:58 a.m. No.8985318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RELEVANT reminder: Comey lying to Senate under oath re. Potus surveillance

LG: do you stand by your testimony of march 20, that there was no surveillance of Trump campaign that you were aware of….

JC: correct

Anonymous ID: f1a424 May 1, 2020, 2:06 a.m. No.8985354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5372 >>5390

The narrative: Fudging the Covid deaths

Colorado reclassifies three deaths as coronavirus cases after physicians ruled them unrelated


Three nursing home deaths have been reclassified as coronavirus deaths in Colorado despite doctors at the facility previously ruling them as not related to the virus.


The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment reclassified the deaths of three people living at the Someren Glen nursing home.


“We were informed of their (CDPHE) intention to override some of our physician’s rulings and reclassify some resident passings we have experienced in the last few weeks,” said Tim Rogers, executive director at the facility.


An additional four other residents have also died at the facility, but the physicians ruled their deaths were directly related to the virus.

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“We have never seen a situation where the health department overrules a physician’s findings. However, these are unprecedented times, and the health department official did not share their motivation for changing physician’s orders,” he said.


The Department of Public Health and Environment said it follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention when coding patients’ deaths. The department said the seven residents who recently died at the facility tested positive for COVID-19, but it’s unclear if they were tested before or after their deaths.


“The department follows the CDC’s case definition of COVID-19 cases and deaths … When a person with a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 dies, their death is automatically counted as a COVID-19 death unless there is another cause that completely rules out COVID-19, such as a fatal physical injury. A preexisting illness would not rule out COVID-19,” a department spokesman said.


A coroner in the area shut down the idea that coronavirus deaths are being inflated.


“I personally don’t think there’s a big conspiracy to overinflate the numbers,” Dr. Kelly Lear said.


The news comes as local governments grapple with how to code deaths with the influx of coronavirus patients.


“I think, in this country, we've taken a very liberal approach to mortality. And I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six weeks,” Dr. Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said this month.


“If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death,” Birx said.


The discrepancy between “confirmed” and “probable” deaths has also been an issue, for example, in Pennsylvania.


Officials there were forced to remove 200 names from the state’s coronavirus death tracker after coroners reported their numbers did not match what the state's department of health reported.


“There’s a discrepancy in the numbers,” Charles Kiessling Jr., president of the Pennsylvania Coroners Association, told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “I’m not saying there’s something going on … I’m not a conspiracy theory guy. But accuracy is important.”

Anonymous ID: f1a424 May 1, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.8985372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5390 >>5507 >>5707 >>5840 >>6004


Project Veritas today released another video featuring conversations with funeral home directors and their staff throughout New York City questioning the number of deaths officially attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic, Fear Numbers are 'Padded'


Judge Calls Bullsh*t on Relative’s COVID-19 Cause of Death


Funeral Home: To Me all You're Doing is Padding the Statistics…Making the Death Rates in New York City Higher than Estimated


Staten Island Funeral Director Questions Mayor DeBlasio’s Role and Adds: I Think It’s Political


Brooklyn Funeral Director: They Are Padding Numbers; Medical Examiners Too Busy to Investigate


Brooklyn Funeral Director: 40-year-old Died in Home with No Symptoms Other Than Fever, Toe-Tagged as COVID-19 Victim

Anonymous ID: f1a424 May 1, 2020, 2:12 a.m. No.8985379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bannon: 'Enemy of mankind': Bannon calls for international inquiry into Chinese Communist Party's coronavirus response


Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon called for an international investigation into the Chinese Communist Party's response to the coronavirus.


During a Thursday morning appearance on CNBC, Bannon claimed Beijing engaged in a cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak, which began in Wuhan in late 2019, and called the Chinese government the "enemy" of the rest of humanity.


"The Chinese Communist Party knew about this. They turned a blind eye to it, and particularly when they had it in their own country, they tried to protect it going around the rest of China, but they didn't care about it going around the rest of the world," Bannon said. "They're the enemy of the Chinese people, they're the enemy of the citizens of the United States, and they're an enemy of mankind."


"We've got 30 million people unemployed. You have, what, hundreds of thousands of people around the world dead, you have economic carnage everywhere, and remember, it's not just the cash we put in, it's the opportunity cost of what we've had to forgo," Bannon said. "The Chinese Communist Party … they are knowingly responsible for this, as the president said."

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China has denied orchestrating a cover-up of its coronavirus response, even as its official death toll numbers are in doubt.


The White House reportedly ordered spy agencies to dig through intelligence communications to assess whether the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization worked together to cover up the extent of damage posed by the coronavirus. Earlier in the month, Fox News reported the U.S. intelligence community was instructed to investigate whether the outbreak began with an accidental escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


The Trump administration has sought to blame the Chinese government for its slow response to the crisis, accusing Beijing of hiding the extent of the outbreak. Trump also said he was suspending U.S. funding for the WHO, claiming the "China-centric" organization hid evidence of human-to-human transmission.


"Let's leave aside the fact of what they've been doing in these labs. Let's leave aside the fact of do they have a biological weapons program or not. Investigations at the intelligence level with all these nations combined, at the health level, at the public health services, that will be full investigations of that. We know for a fact they knew they had human transmission and community spread in mid-to-late-December. They knew this, and they lied," Bannon said.


Bannon accused leaders in the Chinese Communist Party of failing to alert health officials to the danger posed by the coronavirus early on while simultaneously buying up protective gear that other nations would need to fight the virus.


"They're directly responsible. The people of the world are going to demand an accounting. They're going to demand a responsibility, and the Chinese Communist Party is going to have to pay," Bannon said. "I think the world's going to hold them in judgment, and that judgment is not going to be pretty. They owe trillions, if not tens of trillions, of dollars."

Anonymous ID: f1a424 May 1, 2020, 2:15 a.m. No.8985392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5408 >>5507 >>5707 >>5840 >>6004 >>6030

Two-thirds of Americans say voting by mail would increase voter fraud, poll finds

Findings include 48% of Democrats who say nixing in-person voting for the mailbox would trigger fraud.


Nearly two-thirds of American voters say the country moving entirely to mail-in voting would likely increase voter fraud, according to the latest Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.


Sixty-two percent (62%) of voters believe that having everyone vote by mail is likely to increase voter fraud, while just 29% disagree. The totals include 39% who believe an increase in fraud is Very Likely and just 15% who say it is Not at All Likely.


Rasmussen noted what he called "a massive partisan divide" – 81% of Republicans believe voting by mail would lead to more fraud. Democrats are evenly divided (48% say it’s likely, 45% disagree). Among Independent voters, 59% believe it would probably lead to an increase in voter fraud while 27% disagree.


"These findings are certainly influenced by each party’s narrative of voter fraud," Rasmussen said. "Republicans tend to believe that many people vote who are not eligible to vote. Voting by mail makes it impossible to check voter IDs and take other steps to ensure that the ballots were actually cast by an eligible voters.


"Democrats on the other hand tend to believe that the bigger problem is that eligible voters are denied their right to cast a ballot through voter suppression tactics. They see voting by mail as encouraging voter participation and are suspicious of anyone who opposes that goal."


Just the News has reported on how Democrats appear united in their push to use “social distancing” around coronavirus to move the country toward November mail-in voting, expanded voting dates or possibly even “drive-thru voting.”


Republicans suspect Democrats could be exploiting a health crisis for partisan gain. Some fear a rapid move to alter the General Election system could result in the type of chaos seen at the Iowa Democratic Caucus in February.


"Still, despite concerns about voter fraud, Americans are open to the idea if better alternatives are not presented," Rasmussen said. "Some public polls have shown an overwhelming preference for mail voting as opposed to the traditional approach of standing in long lines at crowded facilities. However, our poll last week showed that just as many are supportive of states establishing new in-person voting procedures that include appropriate social distancing protocols."


Respondents were asked: “Suppose that for November’s presidential election, in-person voting was eliminated, and everyone would vote by mail. How likely is it that voting by mail would lead to an increase in voter fraud?" They replied as below:


39% Very likely

23% Somewhat likely

14% Not very likely

15% Not at all likely

9% Not sure


The national survey of 1,200 registered voters was conducted April 23-25, 2020 by Rasmussen, a polling veteran. Margin of sampling error: +/- 2.8% for full sample.

Anonymous ID: f1a424 May 1, 2020, 2:21 a.m. No.8985414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5424 >>5438 >>5507 >>5707 >>5840 >>6004 >>6030

Illinois Gov just got caught on live tv when asked why his wife was able to break quarantine and go to Florida his response is golden


for thee (sheep) but not for we (Dems)!

Anonymous ID: f1a424 May 1, 2020, 2:39 a.m. No.8985453   🗄️.is 🔗kun



funny that the Dems set the bar to put everything in play, e.g., going after Potus, Flynn family then they still want the same 'keep families out of it game'.