>Not a good look at all.
So, moar please, let's get that patriotic blood boiling even higher in this country.
>Not a good look at all.
So, moar please, let's get that patriotic blood boiling even higher in this country.
>We are watching a sneak preview of Life Under The Globalist Boot
What better gift could they give us, Anon.
Show NOT Tell and they do all the work.
>So, what's the next shoe?
Someone finally releases those trannies he's hiding.
First question is:
How many black boxes will there be?
>OAN instead.
Soft rock mellow delivery perfect for background music.
Moar news less talking heads sauce.
Pic related hardly even on.
>Anons can do WTF they want
But, I would leave it alone.
It's already a perfect clusterfuck of boomerang - can only screw it up at this point.
>They're playing the Greatest Hits reunion tour stuff now
kek welcome back to 11/2017, Anons
I always thought this one came close.
>That's totally 100% real and no photoshop.
On IG with a name I can't remember but was hard to pronounce 100% real.
Let us know when #SchiffTranniesReleased starts trending.
5:5 o7
I sure hope Lester gets to the bottom of this in time for the evening news.
>you have deebly hurt me in the part of muh fees fees that stings the most
Imagine the smell.
Here's a different one
Counting split personalities and drunken/stoned LARPS individually?
All Anon deds are counted as COVID that is settled science.
Channel is on OAN and she's wearing a scarf just like Brix wore a while back.