>>9098161 (lb) They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
The Goldseek website claims this Chinese language accounting sheet shows that China has 600 tons of gold stored in the US. Possible, as they have enough of the metal to risk the 600 in order to play in the west. Apparently some voices are calling to repatriate the gold. No duh, 600 tons here and 600 tons there, and pretty soon you're talking a real stack.
>>9098678 The upcoming revelations will change everything, rendering all the Chinese flailings irrelevant. Trump wins in a landslide. GOP takes the House and adds a couple of seats in the Senate. Conservative agenda plows forward, with huge momentum.
>>9098766 No more gibs. Door, butt, etc.
>>9098842 You'd think that even a cretin like Hussein would know when to finally, finally keep his putrid mouth shut, and slink off with his mangy tail between his legs. But no. Too scared, and also likely ordered by Jarrett et al. So he goes out there raving, melting down, along with his compadre Brennan, et al. Whoever writes the Hag's twitter is a bit better, but only marginally.