So…just riffing on what I see as the main reason the [DS] would create/release a pathogen that seems to focus it's earliest mutation at seniors…fear and knowledge, as always, it seems.
Seniors have knowledge that was obtained through living at a different time; a time, for example, when education was concerned with providing knowledge; a time when the artificial control of the population by using the pervasive propaganda vehicle that is the 24/7 mind slave media that includes the dulling entertainment industry didn't exist or were in their nascent stages and not pervasive.
Seniors come from a time when The Constitution and Bill of Rights were seen by most as the "Laws of the Land" - the flag was respected, the government didn't steal the majority of a person's hard-earned income, criminals were dealt with as criminals, "War" was something nobody wanted and something that was even fought against, protested against, unlike now - or more accurately "BT…Before Trump" - when "War" was seen by some as a tool that can be used for private/corporate financial gain.
Seniors are a threat to the [DS] and as long as there are those who grew up used to; expected; Freedom, Justice, Honor, Fairness…and watched those things being slowly eroded and now nearly destroyed - in their lifetime…then they can possibly infect the minds of the slaves and introduce those same dangerous concepts of Freedom, Justice, Honor, Fairness; to them. Best way to destroy knowledge is to eliminate those that have the knowledge so they don't pass that knowledge to a new generation.
The scum used to just burn books to keep information away from the public, or murder those individuals who had knowledge and tried to pass it along. They took over all school textbook publishing so they could excise truth and insert [their] propaganda and bought off schools, colleges and universities and through corrupting naive groups like parent-teacher associations, convinced them to choose only the teaching material that came from their publishing houses…now they want to eliminate as many of those with the knowledge as possible to keep knowledge and truth hidden in favor of their propaganda and lies.
The [DS] is wrong in this as they have been and are wrong about their entire plan.
They make the same mistake over and over again in thinking they are in control.