kek. fukken saved!
Best fuckin meme I've seen all year!
kek. fukken saved!
Best fuckin meme I've seen all year!
>I actually think social media gets more blame than it deserves,
I actually had so much more I wanted to say on the subject, but I knew the bread was almost done, so I was rushed.
You are very right about the instant gratification age. I work in a field where we pay benefits to employees. These things take a lot of time and work and follow up.
The older people are more patient, but the younger ones?? They want everything done NOW. The 'EXPECT' us to email everything so they can email back (absolutely not. we would be doing nothing but sending emails all day…); they whine and complain when something isn't done 5 min ago…..and we work for a company that believes in putting the whiny babies ahead of everyone else just to "keep the client happy"; which is so wrong on so many levels.
But back to my 14 y/o. When we were kids, we passed notes; formed groups on the playground; rose our bikes everywhere; talked on rotary phones attached to the wall….
Thanks to social media, kids these days don't know how to communicate; they break up over text; they never make actual phone calls, because they can text; then they grow up and are too afraid to actually talk to people; it certainly does more harm than good.
She has to deal with the 'mean girls' at school, and with social media, everyone is fake. I see it as an adult on my own social media. Everyone has the perfect life on Fakebook. Makes others feel less superior; makes people want to do things or buy things to "keep up with the Joneses…."
The fake apps that change your appearance so everyone looks like big fashion models we only see in magazines, causing kids (esp girls) to feel they will never measure up…
when in reality it's all bullshit.
As with everything, I have come to learn as someone who NEVER paid attention to politics until Trump, that social media has created a way for people to be keyboard warriors, yelling and screaming at each other over their beliefs, posting fake bullshit to prove they are right.
It has created a way for people the be totally and completely disrespectful to everyone and anyone. Then when in person, many just feel they can act however they want, because they are used to doing it on the interweb….
Just look how people talk to POTUS! It's sick!
My whole point was to say I understand now, with my kids. I see why she now loves "MY" music, "MY" movies, and not the trash they put out today.
She keeps telling me we just seemed so happy and carefree, and now I understand what she means…..