Fresh look at old crumbs. Knowing what we know. This might make sense.
[Hussein] [Shadow Goverment Op] (2017 - Present)
Has Traveled the World (on Private Chartered Jets)
(Jul 12, 2019) Q
[Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?
[CLAS 1-99] This one could be: [Hussein] WW travel on private chartered jets = post presidency to undermine POTUS & USA.
(Wheels Up) (XOJET / JetSmarter) > (VistaJet / Vista Global Partners) > Owned by: (Thomas Flohr)
(Thomas Flohr) - Swiss Billionaire
(VistaJet / JetSmarter ) - HQ = Malta
(EDaily Kenya - Jul 16, 2018)
Comprehensive details of Obama’s luxury jet
When former US President Barack Obama toured Kenya in 2015, he jetted into the country aboard the most high-tech and luxurious aircraft in the world — a Boeing 747 known by call sign Air Force One.
At the time, he was the leader of a superpower, and that was the presidential aircraft.
On Sunday, July 15, 2018 the son of K’Ogelo, as he is fondly referred to in Kenya, returned to Nairobi, this time round in a private jet christened VistaJet.
(Now read this again)
[Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?
Do the Q crumbs lead us back to [Hussein]Shadow Ops = Flight Logs?
(lawsuit cap from pb) >>9112101