>>9133000 lb
>Once championed Obama, now knows he's awful (paraphrase
>He has awakened so there's got to be many more.
Positive feedback + amplify their voices = force multiplier
Elevate those who have used their own minds to make their own decisions.
Those we need to reach operate as 'herd mentality' - elevating those who changed their mind, gives them permission to think those thoughts also.
>>9133048 lb
Got to build up the ammo, fren.
Totaler krieg!!
Uneingeschränkte kriegsführung!
The only limitation is Facts. Stick to Facts.
>>9133208 lb
Ok, just checking! Ty old friend
I am really, really looking forward to skewering Schiff
goddamn I'm so excited kek but also glad I don't have to wear one of those awful wigs