Anonymous ID: 8d51f4 May 13, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.9154840   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's amazing what we knew was true in January of 2017 is still true and ages later this criminal class of miscreant old-order aristocratic children of the comey are still ensconched in their cat-bird seats.

or should I say cow-bird seats.


but it must happen in it's time to do as you said from the start the least amount of harm to innocent people. Thank you for that.

Anonymous ID: 8d51f4 May 13, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.9154872   🗄️.is 🔗kun


California is so progressive why don't they have an instatnt congressional or governatorial recall app?


just register to a site and after they reach a threashold of votes to say 'we don't want this creep anymore' then the election will be held in less than a month, for example.


come on Cali- you are suppose to be so tech savoy!

just do it!

recall by app.

snap elections.