Hussein = traitor
this looks important but original article is in Italian
about Hussein's shenanigans with Italian intelligence to spy on US persons
Roberto Vivaldelli
13 MAGGIO 2020
Le strade della controinchiesta americana sulle origini del Russiagate – da Donald Trump ribattezzata Obamagate – potrebbero coinvolgere Roma. Come? Nella giornata di ieri, nella raffica di tweet del Presidente Usa contro il suo predecessore, accusato dall’attuale inquilino della Casa Bianca di aver tentato di “sabotare” la sua presidenza confezionando delle false accuse di collusione con il Cremlino, ha ritwittato l’esperto dell’Hoover Institution Paul Sperry, il quale cita un nome in particolare: l’agente dell’Fbi Michael Gaeta, assistente legale presso l’ambasciata degli Stati Uniti a Roma. Sperry scrive: “Gaeta, il contatto dell’Fbi di Christopher Steele”, autore del falso dossier sul Russiagate ed ex spia britannica, “ha testimoniato di aver incontrato “quest’ultimo il 5 luglio 2016 e di aver concluso i suoi rapporti con Steele nel novembre 2016 nei rapporti Fd-1023 ma l’Ig Horowitz non menziona tali rapporti”. (snip)
rough goog translation
"The roads of the American counter-investigation into the origins of Russiagate - from Donald Trump renamed Obamagate - could involve Rome. How? Yesterday, in the barrage of tweets by the US President against his predecessor, accused by the current tenant of the White House of attempting to "sabotage" his presidency by making false accusations of collusion with the Kremlin, the expert retweeted of the Hoover Institution Paul Sperry, who mentions a particular name: FBI agent Michael Gaeta, legal assistant at the United States Embassy in Rome. Sperry writes: "Gaeta, the contact of Christopher Steele's FBI", author of the false dossier on Russiagate and former British spy, "testified that he met" the latter on July 5, 2016 and ended his relationship with Steele in November 2016 in the Fd-1023 reports but Ig Horowitz does not mention these reports "."
I get the "RUN" part.
>that is why Q said hussein was stupid.
>because he actually believed he was above the law
The Family is even dumber.
It was The Family that told him he was above the law.
How long ago would Inslee have been removed
assuming the population had not been chemically castrated by fluoride
sad, I have met many true patriots from rural Washington State.
It seems the main problem is in Seattle, Spokane, and Tacoma.
maybe the Mariners should get rid of the Satan's pitchfork thingie on their caps. it brings the state bad luck.