United States Supreme Court just had a UNANIMOUS 9-0 vote … 5 DAYS AGO … on the EXACT MOVE that corrupt "Judge" Sullivan is making
A lot of anons misunderstood the ruling of SCOTUS on Thursday, May 7th, in United States v. Sineneng-Smith.
SCOTUS, in a 9-0 decision, overruled what the 9th Circuit did.
Many anons thought the decision had to do with the legal issue of the case (regarding illegal aliens). It did not. The decision had to do with THIRD PARTY AMICUS BRIEFS (exactly what Sullivan is now trying to do in the Flynn case).
The 9th Circuit used OUTSIDE PARTIES' OPINIONS in amicus briefs to MAKE THE COURT'S DECISION, rather than rely on the PARTIES TO THE CASE.
Justice Ginsberg (of all people) wrote the decision and said:
Instead of adjudicating the case presented by the parties, the appeals court named three amici and invited them to brief and argue issues framed by the panel [of circuit court judges], including a question Sineneng-Smith herself never raised …
Lawyers for the parties to the appeal were assigned a secondary role, Ginsburg said. The three amici appointed to brief and argue were the circuit’s Federal Defender Organizations (as a group), the Immigrant Defense Project, and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild. The panel identified three issues for the briefing and gave amici 20 minutes to argue and 10 minutes to Sineneng-Smith’s counsel.
The party presentation principle is supple, not ironclad,” Ginsburg wrote. “There are no doubt circumstances in which a modest initiating role for a court is appropriate. But this case scarcely fits that bill.”
Although a court is not “hide-bound” by a party’s counsel’s precise arguments, Ginsburg said “the Ninth Circuit’s radical transformation of this case goes well beyond the pale.”
Sullivan is trying to do the EXACT SAME THING. He is inviting outsiders who are NOT PARTIES TO THE CASE to come in and give their opinion, so Sullivan can MAKE A DECISION BASED ON THEIR VIEWPOINTS, and not the parties themselves (both of whom want the case dismissed).
Sullivan called Flynn a traitor. No, Mr. Sullivan (you are now acting outside of your judicial authority, so you are not a "judge" anymore) … YOU are the traitor to your country.
Let's see if Sydney Powell is on top of her game. She should appeal what Sullivan is doing. If she does, she will win. SCOTUS just ruled unanimously on this very issue less than a week ago!
If there is a silver lining here, maybe it is being done to establish, once and for all, that this type of shit that DS courts have been doing for years will NOT be tolerated in the upcoming prosecutions.
Let's watch what Sydney does …