For fans of double meanings
SHADOW has the obvious meaning of a secret group hiding in the shadows that has infiltrated something (Whitehouse/Government) and secretly maintains control of that something.
Before Q arrived on the scene the Trump administration was fighting a counterintelligence war to wrest control away from these tools of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT
But then there is the deeper meaning.
Aleister Crowley's Occult religious group called Thelema
Had been infiltrating every organization on the planet with any power
Thelema is a religion that deals in the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE
They consider themselves LORDS OF THE SHADOW
More powerful than God
This is the part that many will choose NOT TO KNOW
Because horrendous sins were committed by these people
And without a strong personal connection to God
Just knowing the details could destroy you.
So be careful
Because the movie has a fine drama
And a resoundingly joyful ending
Even if you only watch the surface story of Treason.