Anonymous ID: 3945af May 13, 2020, 11:33 p.m. No.9166120   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9165028 /lb

Well I watched it, even put myself through the 3 narcissistic anti-Trump clowns who were being typical "oh, I'm not a Never Trumper…but…" asshats.


Hemmer did a terrible job with the demonrat moronial! To me it looked more like a Paul Ryan setup to get a delusional demonrat moronial on air who doesn't possess much in the way of presence, personality or intelligence but who had a script and she was determined she was going to read through the garbage they - likely ryan helped - wrote for her, paying no attention to anything anyone tried to do to stop her.


Was Hemmer hamstrung by orders to not challenge the piece of crap he was supposed to be interviewing? Why was he so wishy-washy about calling her out for her stupidity and outright, provable lies that even Hemmer KNEW were friggin' lies! He just sort of whimpered like a frightened kitten when she was blaring the most obvious lies…or he meekly asked if she had evidence.


It's exactly the same crap of the nyt and wapo…print a lie and put any required retraction or apology on the back pages someplace. He let her rant, get the demonrat message out, and did nothing to halt the demonrat propaganda she was vomiting out. SHE was controlling the interview with her garbage but she was willing to take control and just spew whenever she had the chance…chances that Hemmer constantly gave her. He sucked, she sucked. I wont be hurting my eyes and ears by watching his show again.

Anonymous ID: 3945af May 13, 2020, 11:42 p.m. No.9166163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9163994 /pb

He is so friggin' scared it really makes me wonder how involved he truly is! He's got the "fear of prison" in his eyes and voice…he is quaking in his boots!