Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.9172413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2420

Imagine dating the aB.usive controbker here.

Smell how putrid their place is.

Taste the nausea of their air.

Yearning for their "leadership".

Hear how often they yell at you to lick their muh.<shitoff the ground.

See how infected their cocks are.

Feel them behind you with a manic smile.

Sense how small they want you to feel.

Know how scared they need you to be.

Look, there are others.

Welcome to their farm.


Watch them laugh as you tell them love has faded.

They knew they lied.


Believe you are given a chance to wash them away.

They'll beg you to come back.

We have a life to live without them.

Americas Military is fighting for your children.

Surrounded rapists cower from Military Guns.


Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

God is in you now.

Cast demons out.

Tomorrow you'll be closer.

Today you are too.

>Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

Night is darkest before the Dawn~


Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9172422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2625



>>9171948 [yes! Let the COG DIS flow!]

>Let the cup'eth flow over.. kek


COGnitive DISsonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.


For example, when people smoke (behavior) and they know that smoking causes cancer (cognition), they are in a state of cognitive dissonance.


The Baker prioritizes notables that invoke COG DIS, to keep our hivemind scattered and divided.

You see the control now?~

Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.9172454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2479 >>2541 >>2937

Trump Made Vaccines Great Again

Issued on: September 19, 2019

Major points of interest:

Changed the incubation method


Increasing the range of effectiveness

Reducing the dose of antigen required


The idea has always been sound, the adjuvants and dosages were the corrupted problem.

He's Making Vaccines Great Again~


(Also, if you can, save your/their tonsils. They act as a natural 'vaccination' development station)


As with other areas of our life, it was once poisoned yet now made better.

Tools are defined by their intended use.~


The Army, directly under the command of Trump, is spearheading Vaccine developments now.

>Trump, as he declared Thursday, is officially the head of the project [Warp Speed].

>“You know who is in charge of it? Honestly? I am,” Trump said.


>Army researchers are taking a "whole of government" approach with other agencies, including the National Institutes of Health; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; industry; and academia in the U.S. and abroad to detect, prevent and treat COVID-19, said Brig. Gen. Michael J. Talley, commander of Army Medical Research and Development Command and Fort Detrick in Maryland.


>The work being done by Army researchers is a collaborative effort with those partners to ensure there's no duplication, added Dr. Nelson Michael, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.


The next phase would be testing in larger animals that are more similar to humans, including monkeys, he said.

<Remember China blocking Americas teats on monkeys? They're throwing roadblocks onto our process of a safe vaccine.


>Michael said a risk/benefit analysis would be done to ensure the benefits far outweigh risks.


>Now, on the issue of LIABILITY for vaccine damage. You think they have special laws that protect them? Not any more.

>All of that was swept aside by consent of the industry


>They have all agreed to work underFAR

>Which is by FAR the biggest thing about operation Warp Speed.



Reject billy gates wet dream,#NoWO.

The Army is sworn to protect us, and under Trump they have our best interests in mind.

Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.9172461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>They [knowingly] unmasked [attached names to] AFTER POTUS won the election of 2016.

>They thought they could prevent the exposure of this information and remain protected.

>Why did they believe this?

>What 'insurance' did they have?

>Infiltration of US GOV?

This fact alone should scare every American.



>It took this long for a reason.


They had entrenched themselves so well, even the Commander of Americas Military wasn't a 'threat' to their, as Obama said, "rule of law"…

Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9172473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2881


Our enemy is ramping up their manipulation on our board and they would like nothing better than to fracture your mind+soul with their flood of MKUltra subliminals and unconscious word associations. To keep you in the same state they keep abused children.

…So they can have the say. So their words carry more weight than yours. So they can organize you how they want. So their solutions outmatch ours…

They're sick.

Fucking sick.

They, like the lamestream media, will lie till their dying breath. They want you dead inside.

They want you licking shit so you'll accept programmability. Their programs of suicide.


See through it. See it as an attack against Our Future. The future they won't live to see~

Be aware the negative thoughts that make you feel empty are the attacks of others.

Once aware, you'll see how loved you are by God, for it's that Love the attackers want to ruin.


I've done my best to illuminate the ways in which our enemies invoke a sense of fear and keep one stuck in an abused and quiet mindset, afraid of being confident that you're fighting to save the world from their wretched control.

Afraid of reaching out to others and so abused that ones personalities are fracturing.


You've had nightmares they have seeded.

I know because I've had countless myself, and though I may be one focal point for their anger, their objective is each of (You).

You who 'dare' stand against their [wretched] will;

You who want to make this world a better place;

You who want our children to grow up in a beautiful world we can't yet fully imagine.


I write about their attacks, and how I think they're carried out, with the belief that once they are made conscious and understood you become immunized to the brunt of it.

I want you to understand that there are ways you can fight against them.

There are options to release the fear they put you in. There are incalculable reasons to feel hopeful.

More of us know each day.

>The pain of the One leads to the benefit of the many


You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.


You need to remember you're worth Americas Military putting their lives on the line and dying to fight for you. For your children. For the future of our world.


So shake off their trauma, and I don't say shake lightly, it's how trauma is released from the body. Shake it off.

Pray. Banish. Pray. Especially before bed.

Release yourself from their control.

Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

Know well these fierce Heavenly forces are an invitation away

Exchange doubt with Faith; Aimless Anger with Focused Resolve.

>Tempt not the righteous man to draw his sword.

Pray God infuse us with resilience.

Pray God wash us clean.

Pray God shine Hope unto those strangled by darkness.

Pray before sleep.


>We are all bound by a feeling deep inside.


Our war is real. Here and now.

You are saving the world.

They are the poisoned stream of consciousness.

They are the projections they cast.

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Fight. For God and Country.Fight.


Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.9172510   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"News spam anon" = baker = same pickle crew here from the start.

Those stories are demoralizing and distracting for reasons of keeping our attention scattered.

It's also the US slamming China over their attempts of stealing American Vaccine development information.


The Baker deployed a wall of 'COG DIS'.

After billary is targeted by Q.



Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.9172580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We figured out why they flooded us with CP why they needed to launch such big demoralizing and depersonalizing attacks against us… They created Sgt. <fucka>B.aby

Why did they choose to deploy a distraction after a demoralizing raid? 🤔

Now the bakers changed over to new aliases? 🤔

The thread creation is that important to them [China].

A CP raid and an ongoing bit to cover up suspicions, only makes more suspicions warranted~

Sgt. <fucka>B.aby and crew are protecting their hijacked thread creation. eb<i9ytch>oTdeploys subliminals that Sgt. <fucka>B.aby uses in their posts. It's a team effort. To maintain their control.








>"we play for keepsies"

Says the satanic controllers here…


Ctrl-F d0608c

Looks like the 'facts about Jews' spammer is dictating so "sincerely" the direction of the baking process.

You're right, post history is a bitch 🤣😂🤣


Infact, we can take this one step further and see that this poster is on very friendly terms with each Baker who posts here.

They know who this is.

Judging from the spurts of activity, we can see they jump on at around the same time to discuss things that already seemed agreed on.

So what other means of communication are you all using outside of this?

Bakers Union 2.0~


>The (4)[ word jew invokes hate ] spell was broken a while ago anon.

>this stream is less active, so the babysitter is present more often. but the talking points will be tailored to this stream's content.

>>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

>Am I making you



>question why you are here?



Updated find

>>9172180 (Baker)

>>9171948 [yes! Let the COG DIS flow!]

>Let the cup'eth flow over.. kek


COGnitive DISsonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.


For example, when people smoke (behavior) and they know that smoking causes cancer (cognition), they are in a state of cognitive dissonance.


The Baker prioritizes notables that invoke COG DIS, to keep our hivemind scattered and divided.

You see the control now?~


Is our thread creation [Made in China]?

We remember why you created this charade.

We know you're using it to reassert control with your (4)[Jew hate] anger script.

We know it was to memory hole your exposed bakers Union 2.0~

Remember "mossad massacre"?

I remember that was your cover for me getting into your head. Psychological damage is hard to heal sweetie~

We know why you deploy your B.its

We remember.


Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.9172677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No mother of ours ¯_(ツ)_/¯


>Marriage is: one man, one woman

You blew it "dear"~

God has a special place in hell just for you~

You betrayed our children you sick fuck~

Contract broken~

Cringe desperate ex begging rapist~


>Marriage is: one man, one woman

You blew it "dear"~

God has a special place in hell just for you~

You betrayed our children you sick fuck~

Contract broken~

Cringe desperate ex begging rapist~


>Marriage is: one man, one woman

You blew it "dear"~

God has a special place in hell just for you~

You betrayed our children you sick fuck~

Contract broken~

Cringe desperate ex begging rapist~


TrashCompactor e.BamaBot | Danlie <<<<

Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.9172745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

billary is the next target of the AC130 🥳🥳🥳

Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9172860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2891 >>2916

Consensus confirmed

Pence hate = distracting attack deployed by our enemy to keep us from acting on:


Billary = Queen, planning a move to protect their figurehead king [obama]

Q let us know #killary is in their AC130 Sights.

We may soon see a resurgence of bengazi related news, as the names on the soldiers hand were involved in that attack.


Now is the time to produce OC memes about bengazi, killary, and how tight knit she is to Obama.


Consensus confirmed

Pence hate = distracting attack deployed by our enemy to keep us from acting on:


Billary = Queen, planning a move to protect their figurehead king [obama]

Q let us know #killary is in their AC130 Sights.

We may soon see a resurgence of bengazi related news, as the names on the soldiers hand were involved in that attack.


Now is the time to produce OC memes about bengazi, killary, and how tight knit she is to Obama.


Consensus confirmed

Pence hate = distracting attack deployed by our enemy to keep us from acting on:


Billary = Queen, planning a move to protect their figurehead king [obama]

Q let us know #killary is in their AC130 Sights.

We may soon see a resurgence of bengazi related news, as the names on the soldiers hand were involved in that attack.


Now is the time to produce OC memes about bengazi, killary, and how tight knit she is to Obama.


Consensus confirmed

Pence hate = distracting attack deployed by our enemy to keep us from acting on:


Billary = Queen, planning a move to protect their figurehead king [obama]

Q let us know #killary is in their AC130 Sights.

We may soon see a resurgence of bengazi related news, as the names on the soldiers hand were involved in that attack.


Now is the time to produce OC memes about bengazi, killary, and how tight knit she is to Obama.


Consensus confirmed

Pence hate = distracting attack deployed by our enemy to keep us from acting on:


Billary = Queen, planning a move to protect their figurehead king [obama]

Q let us know #killary is in their AC130 Sights.

We may soon see a resurgence of bengazi related news, as the names on the soldiers hand were involved in that attack.


Now is the time to produce OC memes about bengazi, killary, and how tight knit she is to Obama.

Anonymous ID: f53ced May 14, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.9172924   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Kris Paronto, survivor and hero.

>HRC is the Queen. Trump's demand to Graham was a distraction.

The x means the Queen has been, or is about to be, taken down.

Wonderful insight!