Anonymous ID: 1a67a9 May 17, 2020, 3:37 p.m. No.9216649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6808 >>7070 >>7233

Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson - Hydroxychloroquine and Remdesivir

May 17, 2020


Sharyl Attkisson's latest Full Measure episode reports on politics, money, and medicine colliding with the COVID-19 crisis.

Attkisson interviews three accomplished medical experts who are calling for the politicization of COVID-19 to come to a screeching halt because it is dangerous, scaring patients, and costing lives and the financial conflicts of interests must be further examined.

They also note that the media is not helping the situation.


Dr. Stephen Hatfield, a biomedical scientist who worked on Ebola asks, "Why are the press running medicine in the United States? This is not right."


"I've never seen science politicized in 40 years of practice," says, Dr. William O'Neill, a cardiologist and Medical Director at the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan, where clinical trials are being conducting with both hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir on COVID-19 patients.

Dr. O'Neill says some in the field believe there is some value with hydroxychloroquine and agrees the drug has to be tested, but wants everyone to "hold their powders," and eventually there will be more clarity on what treatment works.

To those patients prescribed hydroxychloroquine, Dr. O'Neill claims, "I have seen no single side effect of harm." Dr. O'Neill tells Full Measure that he has found value and improvement in all of the patients.

He is studying hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 preventative drug and has tested it on 400 patients.


Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), told Full Measure that those who support remdesivir may have some "conflicts of interests," and that the financial ties must be examined.

"I think you have to look at the money, says Dr. Orient, "There is no big money in hydroxychloroquine."




Anonymous ID: 1a67a9 May 17, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.9216759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6766 >>6781

Don't laugh but…


Biden looks to flip Red States for path to defeat Trump


Former Vice President and the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is looking to expand the number of swing states in play in this November’s election, targeting Republican-leaning states in his bid to unseat President Donald Trump.

Alongside traditional battleground states like Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, and New Hampshire – the former three of which Trump won in 2016 – the Biden presidential campaign believes it can bring traditionally reliable GOP states into play, like Texas, Georgia, and Arizona, which hold a combined 65 electoral votes, or nearly a quarter of the 270 needed to win the election.







ok laugh.

Anonymous ID: 1a67a9 May 17, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.9216930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7183

Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them


As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.


Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”


Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.

Reporters are clearly kowtowing to Democrats in fear that if they win in 2020, they’ll act with vengeance against any reporter who failed to follow their dictates. It is in this light that the courage of the Taibbis and Greenwalds should be particularly noted.


It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.

But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.