Anonymous ID: af5414 May 17, 2020, 4:26 p.m. No.9217128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7155 >>7233

Billionaire Walmart Heiress Behind RINO Republican PAC’s Anti Trump Ads


Perhaps a few of you have seen the ad going around paid for by something called The Lincoln Project. The 60 second spot criticizes Trump for his administration’s response to the coronavirus, seemingly blaming Trump for the virus and the knee jerk reactions of governors across the country who have ordered shutdowns of their state’s businesses, wreaking havoc on the nation’s economy.


The ad offers no constructive solution to the two primary concurrent problems. If Trump doesn’t shut down the economy, they blame him for virus deaths. If he shuts down the economy, they blame him for damage caused. Except Trump hasn’t shut down the economy, governors and other local leaders have.


The Lincoln Project is run by alleged Republicans, including loudmouth Rick Wilson and Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George. This PAC has raised nearly $2.6 Million from wealthy elitists, with a goal of apparently removing Trump from office. Though they claim to be conservative Republicans, they are hoping Trump loses reelection and are, in effect, assisting the democrats in taking over.

Anonymous ID: af5414 May 17, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.9217141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7180 >>7233

US And Its Allies Will Confront China, Demand Investigation During Tomorrow's Annual WHO Summit


Since the coronavirus outbreak, the profile of the World Health Organization has skyrocketed, and so have suspicions about its motives and alliances. Which is why this year's annual meeting of the organization's members - which is slated to begin on Monday - should get interesting.


As the US, Australia and other skeptical western states are expected to confront China and about the possibility of an investigation into Beijing's and the WHO's handling of the outbreak during its earliest days.


The coronavirus will be the focus for the World Health Assembly meeting, to be attended by all 194 WHO member states plus observers, and where policies and budgets are reviewed and approved.


But all eyes will be on how countries – including the US, Australia, Canada, France and Germany – pursue an investigation into China’s handling of the pandemic within the framework of the global health body. That could include taking the Chinese government to the international court.


Leaders of these countries have already made clear that they want an inquiry, including investigating the origin of the virus, whether it was initially covered up by China, and if Beijing was slow to tell the world that the virus was being transmitted between humans.


The WHO has itself been under fire, attacked for praising China’s pandemic response as “transparent” despite Beijing’s suppression of whistle-blowers and information at the start of the outbreak.


Beijing has, of course, rejected accusations that it covered up the virus during the initial weeks after the outbreak, as well as claims the virus might have leaked or, worse, been purposefully released, by a biolab in Wuhan. And while the CCP has said it would support a WHO-led inquiry into the virus's origins, it has simultaneously slammed Australia, the US and other countries that have insisted on an investigation in the face of Beijing's reticence and obvious reluctance by accusing them of "politicizing" the outbreak (language that, like CCP criticism of phrases like "Chinese virus" and "Wuhan virus", has found its way into the rhetoric of the American left).

Anonymous ID: af5414 May 17, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.9217145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7159 >>7165 >>7171 >>7176 >>7203 >>7233

100 Chicago Churches to Hold In-Person Services Sunday Despite Stay Home Orders



As many as 100 Chicago area churches plan to hold in-person Sunday services in defiance of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s (D) stay-at-home orders.


Pastor Florin Cimpean of the Philadelphia Romanian Church of God in Ravenswood said he expected around 50 to 60 people to attend services, which was about 10 percent of the congregation on a regular Sunday, according to ABC 7.


“The church is a spiritual hospital, okay. We help people with their spiritual needs, emotional needs. And this church is much safer than any other open space like Home Depot, Costco, any type of store,” he commented.


Cimpean, who grew up in Soviet-controlled Romania, added that the church served an immigrant community that survived communism in the past and felt it was threatening their freedoms once again.


“All of these restrictions, they sound more like communism,” he said at an event outside the Thompson Center on Thursday.


Former mayoral candidate Willie Wilson organized the gathering to give pastors a platform to voice their disagreement with Pritzker’s order, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.


“Not even communists were able to completely shut down churches,” Cimpean stated. “We are essential. The spiritual, emotional and mental impact of this [coronavirus] will probably be greater long-term than the medical one.”


However, after Wilson and others urged churches to reopen and called them “essential businesses,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot said she found the effort dangerous.


“This is not playing Russian roulette. This is playing with a gun that’s fully loaded and cocked,” she claimed.


Wednesday on Twitter, Pritzker said there were no easy decisions during a pandemic and added that he had “sympathy for leaders struggling with those choices — but not for those so intent on disregarding science & logic that they put people’s lives at risk.”


“You weren’t elected to do what’s easy. You were elected to do what’s right,” he continued.


Despite their warnings, Cimpean said Thursday that if violating the stay-at-home order meant being arrested, he was willing to face the consequences.


“I don’t think the mayor will do that. But if they want to do that, let them come. It is what it is,” he concluded.

Anonymous ID: af5414 May 17, 2020, 4:29 p.m. No.9217173   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mask-Police CNN Reporter Kaitlan Collins Caught Removing Her Mask at Presser as Soon as She Thought Cameras Were Off


Mask-police CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins was caught removing her mask at a White House press briefing on Friday as soon as she thought the cameras were off.


Earlier this week Kaitlan Collins posted a picture of Vice President Mike Pence arriving to the White House in a face mask.


CNN and the other liars in the left-wing media attack President Trump for refusing to wear a mask when he’s out in public.


Cloth masks do not protect against the Coronavirus.


It’s all for show.


Kaitlan Collins knows her face mask won’t protect her which is why she removed it when she thought the cameras were off.