Anonymous ID: d4feed May 17, 2020, 3:34 p.m. No.9216604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6630 >>6639

>>9216167 lb


If we are keeping score, and that is exactly what counting COVID19 virus deaths is, then we should also be keeping score of deaths due to the TYRANNICAL ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL lockdown measures.

Those who died here should go in that other column, and if the perp was killed, he counts also.

Who is keeping track of suicides?

Of deaths due to delayed surgery?

Deaths after being turned away at the hospital or a medical clinic, i.e. denied medical care?

Deaths due to being attacked by a family member who went stir crazy at home?

They all count, and it's not the absolute numbers that matter, its the trend

If the trend is rising while virus deaths are dropping, the message is clear


Open the restaurants, and clubs, and recreation facilities and parks. Get out of the house and have fun!!!!

Get some sunlight and fresh air.



Live like human beings who have INALIENABLE RIGHTS.

<3 — Ɛ>

Anonymous ID: d4feed May 17, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.9216722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6767



Do you know of OPEN SOURCE software that can intelligently jitter an image so that it has a different hashcode and byte count even though a human would see it as identical?

Anonymous ID: d4feed May 17, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.9216933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6998


Turns out you can do most of that in most free image apps like Windows Paint.Net

Even OSX image Preview app lets you use Annotate in the Tools menu to let you add a few pixels to an image, or some text like a hashtag.


GIMP is a great app, and available for Windows, OSX, Linux etc, but it is a power tool like Photoshop.

The mods that you describe are something that most of us can do with the apps that we already have.

Anonymous ID: d4feed May 17, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.9217093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7119





The right answer is to search the medical literature.


Go to one of these two sites and try this search string:


SARS antiviral


Or, let's say you want a cure to a particular cancer. First look at one or two medical journal articles on the topic. Find some keywords that you think will narrow it down more than just "cancer". Try this one:


metastasis treatment


Look through a couple of pages of results. Find another keyword that seems more relevant to you, maybe "inhibitor" and then add that to the other two,


Start with few keywords. I think two is best. Then find other ones and try to add theme one at a time, doing several 3 keyword searches.


Read some articles. Dig deeper if you find a promising paper, maybe looking at the authors other work, or other work done at the same research group.


For instance if you cannot get Hydroxychloroquine, maybe you can get Artemisinin or maybe you can find a local herbalist who has Artemisia annua

Or maybe you would use Quercetin supplements and Black Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) along with Zinc and Vitamin C.


Yes, it is likely that many chemicals with a Quinoline group on the molecule will have an effect on Coronavirus, however, there may be synergies that are needed like Zinc, or antibiotic to reduce bacteria infections that confuse the body's immune system. So it is not enough to just fiddle around with modified chemicals,.


If you did that with Fentanyl and discovered Carfentanil and tested it with one tenth the Fentanyl dose, you would be dead now.

Anonymous ID: d4feed May 17, 2020, 4:30 p.m. No.9217183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7197 >>7229


Remember what Q said about Bottom to Top

We soon figured out that it was dangerous to cut the head off a hydra

Unless you had cut off its arms and legs first.

And then we learned how Rudy Giuliani had pioneered a bottom-up prosecution technique to use against organized crime.


But there's more!!!

Now Trump's Fake News message is causing journalists at the bottom of the heap, to smell blood. They are realizing that they have an opportunity to rise up and take down the leaders, if they offer HONEST INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM to the people. It's simple, The market demands a better form of journalism. And those at the bottom have no investment in supporting the lying fat cats at the top. They are now the sharks rising to the surface.


Meme that one please.