So why are we doing this then?
But remember, hard work and doing the right thing pays off. It's muh land ov da frie, where you can do anything you want. Like… drive a van for $14 an hour. Or… work in a warehouse for $13 an hour. What? Opportunity? No, that's for people who've already been pre-determined from childhood to not be threats to the system. You just enjoy your slave work and remember to thank us every day for how free you are.
Uh huh, I guess we'll see if anything's changed. Certain deep staters (both D and R) have been looking increasingly nervous since Flynn was cleared, but these people are professional deceivers and manipulators who who the hell knows.
Your reading comprehension is shit and you should feel bad.
>anyone i disagree with is a communist
Christ, dayshift is fucking Facebook. Y'all niggers are an embarrassment.
He's probably lulling them into a false sense of security so they'll fuck up. We've seen this like 500 times over the past 2 1/2 years, are people seriously freaking out about this? Fucking amateur hour ffs.
This reads like bitterness. I'd take it more seriously if you got quads.
>you dont have anything worth while in your life and 8kun is all you have
Indeed. All I have in my life is fighting WW3, you are correct. The rest is superfluous nonsense designed to distract. But I shouldn't have to explain this to someone unless they were a newfag.
Probably not, I heard your mom's out of town.
I'd like to believe this, but time will tell. Q & friends know that if Durham gets up to the mic and announces that only a few token minor patsys are indicted, there will be blood-curdling screams from across the internet. Large amounts of people would give up on this movement completely. They know they can't do this half-assed, especially not after years of this garbage.