Anonymous ID: 1e3506 May 19, 2020, 7:04 a.m. No.9237249   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've thought about it a lot, this has been my rough guess to the timeline for a while now:


I suspect we will get up to the level of Clapper/Brennan/Comey etc. by the time of the election, possibly with arrests by then.

It will be very obvious that Obama/Biden were involved, but they won't be directly attacked yet.

The DNC server stuff will probably start to bubble up as well during this time, without anything conclusive.

International involvement via 5eyes and other means will become known during this time.

Media collusion will probably be highlighted enough to severely damage their credibility even to normies, but probably not yet to the depth of laying Mockingbird bare yet.

The election will come and go, and afterwards POTUS will have the mandate to continue.

At that point the hammer will begin to fall on the treasonous behavior at the top, and the DNC server / Hillary's emails will start to bridge over into the global Cabal, selling out our country to global interests, and their trafficking business.

That will lead into a full awakening to the Cabal and their dark religious practices, the full history, the media's role, entertainment, etc.

At this point POTUS would be free to push forward on any truly transformational changes to the country.

Anonymous ID: 1e3506 May 19, 2020, 7:52 a.m. No.9237626   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There isn't a single "based" person on all of Fox, they all have pet topics that they click their heels and cuck out for.

Hannity still will slobber all over the Bush's coin purse any chance he gets, which tells you exactly what you need to know about him.

He's a sycophant to conservative power, and is at best currently a useful idiot.