Anonymous ID: 63bdc7 May 19, 2020, 6:37 a.m. No.9237014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7074

[wisdom from nightshift]

We all joke about TDS but truly, it is a very real and quite limiting mental condition for those so afflicted.

They now angrily - with the same levels of angst, fury and downright terror as displayed directly after Trump's election - reject outright a treatment for COVID that at the very least promises to shorten and therefore offers a less traumatic route through the infected period than that currently offered by medicine, which promises at least two weeks of breathing discomfort plus ventilator time, perhaps imposed unconsciousness for a week… and from personal evidence that I've heard - the saved patient then possibly having to learn how to walk again after the trauma of the aggressive treatment needed.

TDS sufferers are prepared to endure such degrees of long term illness rather than listen to the arguments for HCQ because their arch demon Trump suggests it.

A cynical soul might suggest we're no better. Our demon of choice lately is Bill Gates, and we allow none of his arguments to pass our ears unchallenged and bluntly rejected.

But the difference - the big difference is Trump is not a zealot. If you want to wait for a vaccine? Go ahead - wait. If you want to take a vaccine funded and manipulated by a human depopulation fan then go ahead. If you want HCQ, study it and ask for it (as he did). If you feel comfortable wearing a mask then wear one. If you don't want to wear one, don't

Trump always allows reason into the debate…. personal choice. China can accept a trade deal or not - their choice. Red pill, blue pill - a personal choice and distinctly NOT the philosophy shared by Gates and his Globalist EUtopians.

TDS is an all too real mental state, treated aggressively by mainstream media WorldWide with the short soundbites of regular Orange Man Bad pills. This regular diet calms the nerves of the afflicted, allows them to function normally for a few hours.

Truth if and when if comes, genuinely will be traumatic for many of these people. It will be a time when our side of the current divide must prove our humanity and show them we are a warm, caring, empathetic, funny, rough, rowdy, mouthy, witty bunch of grounded human beings who simply will not be programmed into a matrix of perfect symmetry and obedience prepared for us by the NWO fanatics.