ID: 8056d8 May 19, 2020, 6:48 a.m. No.9237102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7122


interesting story, saccharin


Although saccharin was six times as expensive per kg as sugar, it was 550 times as sweet. Thus, based on a comparable sweetness, saccharin was 100 times more economical. It is no wonder that saccharin's market success upset the beet-sugar industry. In its own interest, the sugar industry thus managed to limit the market for saccharin in most European countries. In Spain, Belgium, and France it could legally be dispensed only for pharmaceutical and medical applications, and since 1898, import of saccharin into Austria, including Bohemia, was forbidden entirely.


excellent smuggling commodity.


The Swiss tax oasis, with its high production of saccharin, surrounded by countries with many potential customers (Germany, Russia, and Austria, including Bohemia) where all saccharin import was prohibited – these were ideal conditions for smuggling, whether on a large or a small scale [20]. The Swiss regularly "sweetened" letters and parcels destined for friends and relatives outside the country with small gifts of saccharin. This brought sweet pleasure to the recipients, and the senders gained no less sweet Schadenfreude from having outwitted the customs authorities in some other country.